Example sentences of "[verb] friends [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Mrs Thatcher 's green ‘ conversion ’ has meant she has done more than any other world leader to push the environment to the top of the political , business , and economic agenda , say Friends of the Earth .
2 Whoever drops in needs friends in London , some sort of organization .
3 Even ‘ theoretical modernist ’ Sigmund Freud used friends of Hartel to secure his own career promotion .
4 With the help of Fred ( later Sir Frederick ) White , Bowen managed to keep the project out of the clutches of the Australian National University ( at one stage he nearly took the whole setup to the United States ) , and he used friends in high places to raise large sums of money from the Carnegie and Rockefeller Foundations .
5 He invited friends to his house and accepted invitations to theirs .
7 And Labour has friends in the advertising industry who will try to spot advertising space being bought up for fake corporate campaigns by pro-Tory companies for May or June .
8 I would assume that the mysterious Mr Andropulos has friends in the government . ’
9 The emergence of strong governments in European history is a movement labelled " progress " — and " progress " is obviously a good thing , if one has friends in the government .
10 ‘ He has friends in high places … ’
11 He has friends in Britain , important people , aristocrats . ’
12 Detectives believe she had been intending to meet friends at the bar but ended up drinking alone .
13 He made it at 9.30pm yet heard Mr Gilbey tell Diana he was about to meet friends for dinner .
14 I 'd like you to meet friends of ours downstairs , Bill and Mary . ’
15 It is a very happy occasion , and an opportunity to meet friends in a familiar location .
16 Yes , they had been neighbours in Shrewsbury , but of course they had only seen each other during the school holidays , and of course they had n't made friends over some grotty little terrace-house garden fence ; he 'd first noticed her from the tree house in his parents ' garden while she was learning to ride her new pony in her parents ' ten acres of mature woodland and well-kept pasture .
17 Endill asked Mcduff , the only person in Nettles who had made friends with him , why this was so as they were throwing stones into the water from the dormitory window .
18 I chatted the one grandmother , who hard hardly seen her grandson who has made friends with another eight year old in the children 's club .
19 He spent most of his time watching the fishermen at work , and wrote with enthusiasm about having made friends with a family of ‘ three brothers , each surpassing the other in beauty ’ and the Spanish wife of one of them , ‘ yellow skin like a magnolia and hair black as moonshine .
20 He and Peter have always been good friends and David is the type of lad that once he 's made friends with someone , he has made it for life , ’ says Brian Gedge .
21 The cat gradually made friends with her and became extremely loving , sleeping on her bed and following her everywhere , rubbing against her and jumping up on her lap .
22 Our children , Ashton and Taler , fell in love with the Learning Together program , and soon made friends with the other children .
23 The Britons had made friends with many in the party who perished , including 21-year-old Australian Pierce Kitely .
24 At Cedars Mrs Singh had instantly made friends with a young Asian woman ( wearing trousers and a shirt ) with a little girl who was evidently a year older than Balbinder .
25 Benny had made friends with the local tobacconist and when he walked into the shop at four-thirty-five on Monday he was immediately drawn into conversation .
26 My detachment was not allowed to last , I was soon chatting to the ex-Lady Mayor of Portsmouth and later made friends with the Commanding Officer of one of the Army supply boats stationed on Benbecula with whom I was able to swap experiences in the Outer Hebrides .
27 I thought it was very nice of him to have made friends with me .
28 Now Thia is the star attraction at the Small Breeds Farm in Kington in Herefordshire where she 's made friends with a jersey calf .
29 Last year , right , I was on holiday in the South of France and I , I 'd made friends with these two German people and I 'm a bit wary of German people anyway , cos of what 's happened and everything .
30 By the early 1730s she had made friends among an aristocratic circle which included the Lovelace , Clayton , and Bowyer families .
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