Example sentences of "[verb] built [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But , even though Sir Hugo Mallinger holds parties for his tenants in the gallery he has built above his cloisters , the social dimension that Disraeli liked to imagine is not a conspicuous aspect of such houses as it is of St Genevieve .
2 So the age thing is no longer the all-important factor that puts love right out of the question but a sort of cruel wall fate has built between us .
3 Ivars has built over the years a series of light aircraft , most employing a faithful Cirrus Minor I engine .
4 Our order book in the Middle East reflects the first-class reputation Wimpey has built over the years for the scope of its expertise and excellence of its workforce .
5 Spacelab is an aluminium cylinder , packed with scientific experiments , that the European Space Agency has built for shuttle flights .
6 ‘ He could commission ships : Svein of Denmark has built for him before .
7 The table he has built on this plan — only a mock-up as yet — is in two halves , each with a half circle cut out .
8 Finally , my early nomination for Referee of the Year is my old friend Derek Bevan , who has built on his excellent World Cup final with a great Calcutta Cup game and an even better England v Ireland .
9 Vertical markets comprise professional accounting — although the small accountancy practices to which the group sells have been hard-hit by recession , it has managed to maintain stable revenues by selling upgrades of existing accountancy software ranges ; retail — while Radius started selling to this sector only about two years ago , it ‘ performed above expectations ’ , having won a new £500,000 contract from Dixons Group Plc , a £400,000 contract from Southern Electric Plc and a £25,000 contract from Ing C Olivetti SpA ; the public sector — the company has built on its traditional strength in local government to move into health and central government ; fuel distribution — another new area of activity which Bland said is ‘ growing ’ , although he could provide no figures ; and finally , the printing industry — while Radius has in the past concentrated on big customers such as Bowater and Smurfitt , it has now released a ‘ stripped-down ’ version of its management software to attract smaller users .
10 Mercedes has built on its reputation for quality and safety
11 He has built on Sunrise 's meteoric success , launching The Asian news paper and the first Asian school of broadcasting .
12 The press 's current output has built on existing strengths : its increased concentration on anthropology , social sciences and politics stands alongside established topics such as Islamic studies , history , linguistics and biological science .
13 David Bonser commented : ‘ The completion of construction is a tremendous team success which has built on the efforts of many people over many years .
14 Unlike previous education secretaries , he has built on recent changes and amassed a far wider range of powers before setting his plans in motion .
15 In spring 1921 , when ‘ the English myth is pitiably diminished ’ he discussed ‘ the chief myth which the Englishman has built about himself , that of the fat country squire .
16 But the whole tenor of the Bible makes it unlikely that God has built into the Church for ever the limitation of a male-only priesthood .
17 We must take account of the cause and effect relationship which God has built into his created order , by unearthing and facing facts .
18 God works in and through the processes he has built into the natural world .
19 The first contends that the word ‘ appropriate ’ has built into it a connotation that it is some action inconsistent with the owner 's rights , something hostile to the interests of the owner or contrary to his wishes and intention or without his authority .
20 Works by Hogarth hung in the gallery at Slains : the library contained ‘ a valuable numerous collection ’ , and Boswell renders one of his usual excellent off-the-cuff services to our understanding of eighteenth-century domestic arrangements : ‘ The noble owner has built of brick , along the square on the inside , a gallery , both on the first and second story , the house being no higher ; so that he has always a dry walk , and the rooms , to which formerly there was no approach but through each other , have now all separate entries from the gallery . ’
21 The July , 1983 ‘ Andropov ’ experiment has built upon the more sensible of these measures , also reviving some of the decentralising features of the aborted 1965 reform : most interestingly , a wage norm based on ‘ normative ’ rather than ‘ quantitative ’ ( piece-work ) indicators , thus , ( it is hoped ) promoting innovation and productivity .
22 Rather than attribute this either to cultural explanations of an over-socialized kind or to market explanations which are under-socialized , the chapter has built upon the earlier discussion of Japanese specificity in order to develop a power/institutions model for this analysis .
23 They can not break through the wall she has built around her .
24 Until the end of the month James Casebere is showing ‘ The Prisons ’ at Klein , photographs of abstract models he has built after studying actual prisons , such as Sing-Sing .
25 At 2000 watts , this is a very powerful tool , and Bosch has built in a temperature control as well as a blower control ( rather like the ‘ speed ’ switch on a hair dryer ) .
26 THE GROWING STRENGTH , both in numbers and influence , of Surfers Against Sewage , is the most visible evidence of the unique surfing community that has built in the Badlands area .
27 As Sun suggested it would do , it has built in ISDN and multimedia features such as a bundled speaker box and microphone , CD-quality audio and multimedia mail in an OpenWindows 3.0 environment .
28 Like the line and staff clash or the professional and administrator conflict , the head office power brokers and the autonomous divisional general managers will inevitably clash , simply because the structure has built in massive imbalances of power .
29 But it also has built in a Help facility , teaching aids , so that if at some point in the middle of developing your program you forget something , you can ask the system erm to tell you for instance how to use one of its facilities , and you can get onto the screen some information about that , and then carry on where you were , and you can switch easily between different modes .
30 Both with-profits and non-profit endowments guarantee to pay off your loan and provide built in life cover .
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