Example sentences of "[verb] taking [art] " in BNC.

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1 Since I stopped taking the chlorambucil , the lumps are beginning to return , which is just as well .
2 She stopped taking the pills .
3 Three years ago I stopped taking the Pill because we wanted to have a baby .
4 We stopped taking the Magnet and the Gem and the Boy 's Own Paper .
5 Forget taking the train for an evening at the theatre or the weekend family excursion into the country .
6 He has not said whether he will consider taking a peerage .
7 In addition , he might consider taking a shower or some exercise on waking , procedures which are aimed at stressing a regular start to the day .
8 ‘ We were wondering if perhaps you 'd consider taking a more high-profile role in the company ? ’
9 ‘ To put it bluntly , we wondered whether you 'd consider taking a sabbatical for six months or so from your backroom job to liaise direct with Carlisle Flint ?
10 Party leaders should consider taking the major drug companies into public ownership so that their products were developed on the basis of need rather than profit .
11 Or will governors consider taking the easy way out ( and the cheapest ) and appoint a local teacher , who has perhaps proved an adequate supply teacher in the recent past ?
12 And he did kind of consider taking the two the next was n't fairly so good .
13 But if the club suddenly asked him to strongly consider taking the Blackburn offer then even if he did n't he probably would never have felt the same again about playing for Leeds , ( ie , doubting about management 's loyalty to him , etc . )
14 In view of the stamp duty implications , the wife should consider taking the conveyance herself and subsequently conveying to herself and the new husband .
15 Bearing in mind your warm endorsement of our report ( to CPRW ) … and the widespread support it has received both in Wales and further afield , I trust you will actively consider taking an initiative which will receive general support … and could give considerable kudos as well as economic and environmental benefits to Wales . ’
16 And I reckon that he 's the sort of person who would turn into someone that would hit someo hit his his woman , because he takes her for granted enough as it is , and that , I reckon that 's how wife battering starts because the husband starts taking the woman for granted so much
17 Most laboratory and field studies of human behaviour involve taking a situational snap-shot at a given time in a given place .
18 The painstaking steps towards releasing a captive barn owl into the wild involve taking the chick from the parent at the age of four to five weeks .
19 The media , major users of public relations material , loves taking the mickey out of public relations which is so busy working on someone else 's image that they have no time for the image of their own industry .
20 Come 3 o'clock on a saturday I say taking the piss out of history goes .
21 Once he was almost caught taking the back off Mr Rumback 's chair .
22 WOOD Group Fire Protection managing director Gerald Hocking was caught taking the weight off his feet on a trip to Cincinnati .
23 The former sprint champion , who built a career on the use of illegal substances , did not take part in the meeting , of course , after he was caught taking the tablets for a second time .
24 Kelly and a friend had enjoyed taking the dogs for walks on every day of their holiday in Dunoon .
25 Would that include taking a stake in the er , the Fairfax float when erm , that takes place later this year ?
26 Billig ( 1987a ) illustrates Taking the Side of the Other by examples where people , who have generally argued for a particular stance and against the counter-stance , seem to turn around and use the arguments of their former opponents : in this way , they take up the side of the other .
27 In advance , using the smokescreen of Tech-Green bureaucracy , he 'd arranged for this fictional shuttle-worker to be placed on a shift which involved taking a shuttle through the gravity well to Gaiah .
28 Instead , I propose taking the logic of generic concentration as far as it can go , with a degree which would study , in detail , a single genre , poetry .
29 Only one of the physics students , had , for example , considered taking a degree in chemistry .
30 think that in those days anybody would have considered taking a child out like that , you know !
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