Example sentences of "[verb] her lips " in BNC.

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1 When she hears what I have to say to her , there will be no question of her opening her lips on this subject .
2 He lifted his head , darkly flushed , and his mouth was on hers , opening her lips hungrily while she gasped , pressing against him , her hands in his hair , on his strong neck , his shoulders , blind to everything but her own overpowering excitement .
3 He put his arms about her and lowered his face to meet her lips , then came and sat with them .
4 Wave after wave of sensation ran through her until she thought she might drown in a tide of pleasure as his tongue and hands explored the soft silkiness of her body , his lips always returning , though , to meet her lips , like a humming-bird seeking nectar .
5 She cupped her hands round Lucy 's sweet fine chin and drew her lips against her own , tongue trembling into the wet hotness of Lucy 's mouth , exploring behind her lips , Lucy 's tongue tentative then sure .
6 Madame shrugged and pouted her lips .
7 Emily pouted her lips .
8 Sylvia refused , keeping her lips closed tight .
9 He traced her lips with his finger .
10 She dabbed her lips with salt water again and crumbled some of the roasted chicken neck into her mouth .
11 She must have been watching because she smiled , or rather tried not to smile too obviously — she tried to conceal her pleasure in witnessing the beginning of her triumph by pressing her lips together , but the smile came out anyway .
12 With Betty against a wall and I pressing her lips with mine , she requested me to put my tongue into her mouth ‘ the French way ’ she said .
13 ‘ A woman decides whether she really likes her lipstick in the moment after application , what we call the pressement , ’ says Edith Klar , head of scientific communication at Lancôme , Paris , pressing her lips together with a Gallic flourish .
14 She grasped both his hands and sank to her knees , pressing her lips to his fingers and whispering her thanks — though whether to himself or to God , he could not be sure , and was n't much interested .
15 Pressing her lips to his cheek , she smiled .
16 Candy made a show of pressing her lips together and sat back expectantly , a mischievous twinkle still dancing in her eyes .
17 Caterina now faced the weeping Virgin determinedly and moved her lips as if praying ; she quailed when she realised that she would have to act the go-between again and seek him out alone once more .
18 Isabella moved her lips ,
19 And , by the time she climbed down the wooden steps to the kiosk , she had managed to coax her lips into a sour smile .
20 ‘ I 've done it again , ’ she said , twisting her lips in that way she had of showing disappointment with herself .
21 Then his arms crushed her against him , and his mouth traced a path of heat across her cheek to find her lips .
22 And without waiting for an answer he drew her closer and lowered his head to find her lips .
23 His head lowered to find her lips , while any thought of resistance she might have had melted like an ice-block in boiling water .
24 He cupped her head in one hand and massaged her lips with his own till the blood pulsed into them .
25 And in the afternoon , at the time he was drowned , her mother would call her inside and bolt the door , and they would kneel together and say the rosary for the soul of the father she had never known ; and when all those Hail Mary 's had been said , and the Glory Be 's and the Our Father , and they had made the sign of the Cross together , her mother would pull out the silver Madonna she always kept hidden at her breast and press her lips to it in a way that said everything you needed to know about love and death and being a woman .
26 Like a novice swimmer suddenly caught in a flood-tide , she was swept along , clinging fiercely to his shoulders as he found her lips , invaded her mouth , his tongue entwining with hers .
27 For a moment she found her lips on his smooth cheek , and she tasted salt from the spray of the boat journey .
28 McAllister , still beset by that strange mixture of desire and fear which gripped her whenever he began to make love to her at even the lightest level , found herself shivering , but allowed him to continue , and when the next kiss found her lips she responded to him , timidly , it was true , but still a response .
29 Lilian firmed her lips over her swollen gums .
30 She smacked her lips with an air of finality and rummaged for her pipe .
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