Example sentences of "[verb] her father " in BNC.

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1 She is nonetheless scathing of the intellectuals in the Hamburg legal establishment who ‘ did n't raise a finger ’ when the Nazis dismissed her father from his job .
2 It was postmarked Inverary and bore her father 's handwriting .
3 At the time she seemed to accept her father 's wish .
4 He had rendered her almost mindless there and it had all been a cheap trick , not even part of his wish to get her to accept her father .
5 Violently she shook off his outstretched hand , and the English document announcing her father 's change of name fluttered to the ground .
6 Already at least three soldiers in her home corps had approached her father to ask about the possibility of marriage .
7 She put her name forward to the chairman of the local party only to find later that he had approached her father to get his consent then double-checked by asking her husband for his permission too .
8 Sheila opened her eyes wide and fixed her father with a precisely constructed look of wistful adoration .
9 Leo , you must tell her that it is Doctor 's Orders that she must not look after her father any more — that it is too much for her — that she need not even see her father until she is quite well enough , and the doctor has himself offered to find a suitable place , so that she will know her father will be well looked after .
10 Artemis put her heels down , straightened her back and softened her rein , so that by the time she caught her father up , she had Buttons perfectly controlled .
11 Having dragged the body of her brother-lover from the pyre , she had abandoned him , returning south , Tallis imagined , to find her father again .
12 She found her father a job — as the internal postman .
13 Stacey found her father , a 47-year old roofing worker , slouched in an armchair with his legs over the arm .
14 She was still in Frome , we may hope ; if she had nursed her younger sister and helped her father through his years of loss , she had done well indeed .
15 In the boathouse , she helped her father tie the boat down to the rock .
16 I suppose I was on my way to call for Millie , but I walk on past the house instead , obscurely ashamed to have caught her father unawares .
17 Generally Felicity visits her father alone .
18 ‘ The best Caroline 's done , ’ pronounced her father , ‘ is thirteenth for effort . ’
19 Helen and Edward now met frequently on the Common , and she visited her father 's grave with him as he tended it with wild flowers .
20 Sarah , who lived near to the Brompton Hospital , visited her father regularly although Raine 's hostility complicated an already fraught situation .
21 Artemis frowned to herself once more , as in all her young life she had never heard her father say anything which was meant to be even remotely funny .
22 Anne had never heard her father swear before .
23 He reminded her of her concern when she had heard her father had gone out to lunch the day he died , and he put it to her that she had guessed whom he had met .
24 Did she think her father would bid for him , if he promised to pay Stanley back ?
25 She was next aware of dimly seeing her father lying face down on the path , his hands bent up behind him and Richard with one knee on his back .
26 Seeing her father with Mathilde briefly , she was again impressed by how happy they always were together .
27 But she still had her eyes hidden against seeing her father thrown across the stage .
28 When his daughter Nannette inverted that action to make her down-striking action , she included the check , completing her father 's piano action as he himself might have done had he seen Gottfried Silbermann 's pianos , or indeed those of Cristofori , rather than those of Johann Heinrich Silbermann .
29 But now the men managing her money are accusing her father of a bid to take complete control .
30 Quite deliberately , she summoned the memory of the anguish of six years ago , the job she loved summarily barred to her and her Communications course sacrificed ; and she dwelt especially on the dilemma that had torn at her then , the agonising conflict between her obstinate determination to pursue an uninterrupted career in radio at a time when there were no positions to be had in Johannesburg but possibilities in Durban , and a heart-wrenching reluctance to leave her parents alone when advanced emphysema was shortening her father 's life so cruelly .
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