Example sentences of "[verb] that seemed " in BNC.

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1 Her parents exchanged glances , looks that seemed to remember a long wait for a first and , as it turned out , an only child .
2 Choking back his own fear of the desolate , grassless woodland , the before-dawn-returning owls that they could hear some way off and the extraordinary , rank animal smell that seemed to come from somewhere rather nearer , he began .
3 After the trials of Halton , Cranwell was a haven , With my pay now being nearly 30 a week , I invested in a motorcycle — a square tank Rudge of questionable vintage — for £4 ( at a pound a week ) , but soon cured myself of the motorcycle bug that seemed to affect us all at the time .
4 The increasing accuracy of weapons — even those delivered by aircraft and rocket — may reopen some possibilities for discrimination in targeting that seemed to be closed in the air operations of the two World Wars .
5 Turning back to look at the door , he could see no manual locking mechanism — only a circular brass inset that seemed to need a special key .
6 You are faced with half a packet of dusty dried peas , the unopened naan bread mix that seemed such a good idea at the time and the smoked oysters left over from last year 's Christmas hamper .
7 And it was even more important that he should see , also , that she had n't been deflected by persuasive words and looks , kisses that seemed to draw her soul from her body .
8 In fact the England ‘ B ’ side played the first 45 minutes of that match with the command and control that seemed sure to produce a notable victory .
9 Murtach had learned of a great wolf pack that seemed to roam west of the Skriaig and had been seen by a few desperate hunters seeking deer beyond Ralarth 's borders .
10 There was something about the way Kelly was speaking that seemed unlike her .
11 Where is the Wagon Train that seemed permanently to be circling its wagons waiting for a drunken pioneer 's wife to have twins in the last of them ?
12 The articles in the Sunday papers had been well done in their way : the spread of photographs in the Grub had made the point Hilda had wanted made without undue underlining : all the local bookshops ( two ) had piles of copies of The Factory Whistle that seemed to diminish rapidly and be renewed .
13 On every barge on the Reach a very faint ominous tap , no louder than the door of a cupboard shutting , would be followed by louder ones from every strake , timber and weatherboard , a fusillade of thunderous creaking , and even groans that seemed human .
14 She watched his deft slender hands bleached by the light , and knew that this one could have been , should be , some kind of fine and meticulous craftsman , should never have to be wrestling with pipes , floorboards , beams that seemed heavier than he was .
15 Anger that seemed out of all proportion .
16 Following the analysis , a number of issues emerged that seemed worthy of further consideration , for example :
17 The existence of a Jovian magnetic field was established in the 1950s by radio-telescope observations , which detected radio waves that seemed to arise from the motion of charged particles in a magnetic field and were certainly non-thermal ( section 2.2.1 ) .
18 And she longed to unleash that hunger , that virile , pulsing craving that seemed to strain through every muscle of his hard-limbed body .
19 Below the streets were alive with people , all of them bathed in the neon glow that seemed to fill the very air itself with multi-coloured energy .
20 She looked from face to face in the darkness , faces that seemed to belong to hideous inquisitors , with the torch beams casting harsh angular shadows from below into their upturned faces .
21 Back on the storm-front , lightning flashed and thunder exploded in long runs that seemed to envelop the length of the mountain chain as if spread by a giant paint-roller .
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