Example sentences of "[verb] a little " in BNC.

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1 Charles found the Stage Doorman , who was already regaling a little circle of cast with what he had seen .
2 This is the story of a little girl named Fern , who loves a little pig named Wilbur , and Wilbur 's friend Charlotte a beautiful grey spider , Templeton the gluttonous rat and the Zuckerman family .
3 Providing he can install a little discipline , the next governor may also be able to take the credit for cleaning up Arizona 's politics .
4 To this end the CPL has won a little victory in its efforts to ensure that the cat is not put out with the milk bottles .
5 A light breeze came off the sea and provided a little relief from the afternoon heat .
6 It made a welcome change from household chores and got her into contact with customers which provided a little gossip .
7 The Liberal Democrat spokesman on trade , industry and employment , Malcolm Bruce , attacked the Chancellor 's statement as a Budget of despair and disappointment which provided a little relief for the unemployed and nothing for those attempting to counter the effects of the recession .
8 There are lots of planting opportunities left for the season : I would like to try a little herbary , for example , and go for a bigger emphasis on autumn colour .
9 I dialled and this time decided to try a little subterfuge .
10 And then I got it into my head to try a little art .
11 I 'm , I 'm going to try a little experiment which er , which may not work .
12 it sounds as if he was launching a little democrat er campaign for for the District Council Elections in May that 's what it sounded .
13 Please let us know a little bit about you , your personal circumstances , how you scored and what course , job or career you are now following .
14 So I have that advantage , that er , I do know a little bit about you .
15 When my brother looked through his new spectacles into the Cinemascope format of the wide mirror I saw that he gently let his lower jaw fall a little so as to give himself more of the thin-faced appearance of Hank R Marvin in Summer Holiday .
16 The trainer , who sent out Generous to win two Classics and the King George VI and Queen Elizabeth Diamond Stakes last year , is looking for a replacement and although Magic Ring may fall a little bit short of that high mark , he is a most interesting contender for the major three-year-old races .
17 Our earlier quoted settings , which perhaps could be nudged a little sacrificing fuel burn and noise comfort , produced around 145 knots true air speed at low level , and at height around 155 .
18 Do some children need a little freedom from their over anxious/ambitious parents ?
19 The monster looked at him and , realizing what the policeman was thinking , growled slowly , ‘ If I want to tear people to pieces , I do n't need a little stick . ’
20 She said you 'd need a little break after all this bother . ’
21 ‘ Tommy does need a little love , ’ said Mrs Channing .
22 To upgrade the RAM you 'll need a little manual dexterity ( clever fingers ! ) to slot in the RAM chips , along with a screwdriver to open the side of the laser and install the plug-in RAM board .
23 But the existing offspring may benefit more , may need a little bit of extra milk , so the existing offspring may try to erm , demand more milk , or at least milk for longer than the mother to supply .
24 As a matter of authenticity , and given that the appointment had been made two months ago and that perhaps Mr Gajdusek might need a little reminder , she took the letter from its envelope while , his touch again tingling , again gentle , he smoothed some cream over her bruises .
25 And I do n't like provide a little bottles cos little
26 It 's the same with Prince — it 's great having a bit of rumpy pumpy on the TV with a few cheeky videos and lots of naughty bits , but it 's becoming a little standard .
27 The crowd began to swell a little and the man was joined by a friend .
28 There is spiritual value in the very handling of its primary elements to write a little song or dance , even an exercise ; even , as Bruckner used to show his classes , in a fifth or octave struck at a piano .
29 So it 's , is it better to write a little bit about a lot of things ?
30 I will ask you to write a little note to Uncle Willi and I will take it with us when we go .
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