Example sentences of "[verb] [been] concerned " in BNC.

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1 But most human electrophysiological work has been concerned with the processing of incoming events , that is the ERP that follows the presentation of a stimulus .
2 A lot of my work has been concerned with this area and as my experience has grown I have learnt to wait until the people involved tell me they want to talk .
3 The bulk of this book so far has been concerned with looking at what happens when people lose something .
4 This chapter has been concerned to sketch in the general background to the reign of Mary Queen of Scots , and to clear it of some of the misconceptions about Scottish kingship which have tended to confuse the issues .
5 Britain has been concerned at Libyan attempts to put pressure on foreign governments by refusing exit visas .
6 For instance , Susanne Langer , in most of her writing on Aesthetics has been concerned to establish that emotion expressed through Art is derived from but is not the same as that felt in real life .
7 So far as education is concerned , it is known that the government has been concerned for some time about an alleged willingness on the part of some teachers to bring the question of homosexuality out into the open in a way that seeks to normalise it as a form of human relationship .
8 So far , even though we have kept an eye on the question of political authority , the discussion has been concerned with the wider notion of authority in general .
9 Legislation affecting women in the last decade , whether it has been concerned with family , work or education , has been retrograde and consistently worked against them .
10 Throughout history man has been concerned with controlling the external environment or adapting to its vagaries .
11 This chapter has been concerned with the AL of maintaining a safe environment .
12 More recent functionalist work , though , has been concerned with the ‘ causes ’ of criminal behaviour .
13 In the broadest terms , it has been concerned with one aspect of youth history : how and why , and with what consequences for age relations , middle-class reformers put together a number of images of working-class adolescents .
14 All along it has been concerned with schedules and deadlines .
15 An emerging contemporary example of radical change is in the business which to date has been concerned with the defence industries .
16 He added : ‘ Aids for the disabled are the first glimmering of a further development of our culture , most of which has been concerned with the development of tools .
17 The board has been concerned for some years about the possible impact of excessive dependence on coal — used for 80 per cent of electricity currently generated — if developments in the domestic or international coal market push prices up rapidly .
18 Most of his research has been concerned with conditioning the ‘ eyeblink ’ response in rabbits .
19 Mostly , the furniture he has been concerned with up to now is the dining table .
20 Any adult who has been concerned with the design of type has re-experienced the need to see the importance of features ( thin and thick strokes , serifs , and so on ) of which they were previously unaware .
21 More recently it has been concerned about the University 's financial and management difficulties .
22 While this survey has been concerned with public libraries , co-operation potentially encompasses a wide range of institutions , and an INSET network that concerned itself with training across the whole spectrum of librarianship would be of maximum value .
23 Ever since the ‘ permissive ’ sixties , the moral Right has been concerned that the distinctions between public and private morality have become blurred .
24 Lyle , who became the first British winner of the title in 1988 , has been concerned throughout 30-year-old Jolande 's pregancy .
25 In fact , most researchers now believe that , on their own , the principles of learning theory are insufficient to account for the child 's mastery of language ; the bulk of the research on children 's language which has been carried out since the publication of Verbal Behaviour has been concerned with illuminating other processes which may be involved .
26 They share the fact that they have all been of limited duration but , within that framework , one has been concerned with local skills training , four have involved modules contained within honours degree courses ( Typography and Graphic Communication , Library Science , Publishing and Computer Science respectively ) and one has been at postgraduate level .
27 The ARFU has been concerned at the falling standard of sevens , particularly with the World Cup Sevens to be played in April next year at Murrayfield .
28 I think it 's very interesting since half the century has been concerned with this question of objects .
29 Most of the comparative work has been concerned with ASL and French Sign Language .
30 In addition , as far as English has been concerned , others besides progressives and radicals have questioned the value of academic approaches for working-class pupils .
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