Example sentences of "[verb] [not/n't] known " in BNC.

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1 Voice not known .
2 This is the new generation of the wilderness , the generation which has not known slavery , and which will show no servility .
3 Sally-Ann , unlike Rosemary , finds it a struggle and bitterly hurtful to dredge up her dreadful past — like Rosemary she has believed herself to be a doormat in society ; like Rosemary she has not known a childhood .
4 Mr. Cleaver also omits to mention any of the many infiltrations , bombardments and acts of terror towards a country which has not known a single day of peace in 44 years .
5 Since December , the strip has not known a day of quiet : the clashes between the Israeli army and Palestinian demonstrators are fought in towns and villages as well as in the eight refugee camps .
6 By contrast , the British extreme right wing has not known similar success in recent years .
7 We assume that this is because it has not known what role to play .
8 Now , the Northern Empire is lost , and the Black Land is in a chaos it has not known since Nebphetyre Amosis , two hundred years ago ! ’
9 ‘ Lee , nobody who has n't known you for at least a hundred years is going to appreciate oblique and esoteric … ’
10 Two further patients had taken oestrogen containing hormone replacement treatment ( again dose not known ) for menopausal symptoms , before and during the trial .
11 Momentarily undecided as to whether to go on looking or to give up the chase there and then , her eyes lingered on the stranger 's face , and for a heart-beat , or less , his features blurred , and in their flux , caught as if by the sun off a wing in the stratosphere , she saw Gentle , his hair swept back from his high forehead , his grey eyes all yearning , his mouth , which she 'd not known she missed till now , ready to break into a smile .
12 Issue NOT Known ’ warning .
13 That could only have happened if the Left did not know what was going on , and it could only have not known what was going on if it was being tricked by one of its own .
14 Yeah but how can How do you prove it to somebody else if they do n't have n't known it ?
15 Exactly how it happened we still do not known for sure but you can find examples of the kind of organisms it produced in almost any patch of fresh water .
16 She did n't know the promised ‘ exhibition ’ had been only a trick to get her niece to come to Venice , or that Michele Diomede was also Peter Sebastian , and she did n't known about Didi Lombard .
17 In an improbable , but typical , detour in a review of a book about corsets , she asks : ‘ How has it come about that feminists have picked up the masculine notion that those women who are n't self-confessed feminists do n't known what they 're doing , half the time ? ’
18 ‘ We do n't known what you are and where you come from .
19 That there is something he does not know is shown by the fact that if he were to gain his sight , he would come to know something that he previously had not known .
20 He said it had been vital to keep Operation Beehive secret from the Soviets and the Yugoslavs , so many people within V Corps had not known about it .
21 Mr Rampton suggested if Lord Aldington had not known what would happen to the Yugoslavs , he was the only person in his corps who did not .
22 In evidence earlier this week Lord Aldington , 75 , formerly Brigadier Toby Lowe , who was chief of staff to General Sir Charles Keightley , commander of the British Army 's V Corps in Allied occupied Austria , said he had not known until 1979 what had happened happened to the Yugoslavs when they were handed over to the forces of Marshall Tito .
23 Royce 's seminars had acquainted Eliot with the second law of thermodynamics if he had not known it before .
24 She had done so ; Rachel had not known how to handle it then , and still did not know ten years later .
25 At eight Maggie had not known that her grandmother was famous , but she had seen that people had something in their manner when they looked at Rachel ; later she learned that something was respect .
26 What she had not known was that in leaving home she would have to forfeit her four children .
27 Eileen 's death had made the lot of them aware of depths in themselves and in each other that they had not known of before .
28 ‘ When a mathematician proves some proposition you had not known , he accomplishes no more than a man who discloses the contents of a casket … by opening it up . ’
29 Because , of course , this was his place , he knew it , he belonged , and there he had not known where to look or how to fold his hands .
30 Shultz swiftly put out word , through a spokesman , that he had not known at all .
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