Example sentences of "[verb] [adv prt] sick " in BNC.

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1 Absences from work due to leave , sickness , court attendance , police business elsewhere , or transfers can seriously deplete this number on occasions , leaving the section very understaffed , which is why managers are so sensitive about constables phoning in sick , although this sensitivity is not always communicated in a heavy-handed manner .
2 What happens when Mrs B goes on holiday or goes off sick ?
3 The question arises : is there something about such jobs that directly causes the people who do them to go off sick more than others ?
4 Yeah she 's started to go off sick a lot but she seemed a lot better when she came back after Christmas
5 Clear up sick , that 's a favourite job is n't it ?
6 Rachaela had called in sick and sat at her window and watched it , her back packed with cushions and pillows .
7 ‘ Because if you did , you 'd know as well as I that any youngsters growing up in that sort of background learn from a relatively early age all the joys of hotel life — like being called upon to wash sinkloads of dishes when the dishwasher packs up — or to change dozens of beds when the chambermaid calls in sick .
8 Well a man is n't subject to moods or premenstrual tension a guy is n't going to phone in sick with some crap about cramps .
9 Pre-Astrid , Jay had been in a dead job , art workshops with utterly disillusioned teenagers , every morning she coughed she rang in sick , malingering Mondays , rain seeped in the doors of the empty bus every morning , the bus to the High Street for the next bus , hoping to be early enough to miss the screaming leering sneering schoolgirls she had to face all day .
10 Whenever any crew member was laid off sick , Mac was there taking his place .
11 Bu but half off and half in at in moment cos I 've taken the time off but there 's lots of problems , like half the team 's gone off sick with pleurisy , tonsillitis and everything
12 Ah , well he 's gone off sick .
13 No and Sue 's just gone off sick , yeah .
14 Erm , it 's like to keep my day planned out but , like the district manager might walk in or people might go off sick , and then you have to fill somebody in to that position .
15 What I mean , Tubby , is that if you continue like this you 'll end up sick .
16 THE experience of putting down sick animals may make veterinarians more likely to consider taking their own lives , a Government report suggested yesterday .
17 For the last month you have been signed off sick from work , which has meant that your confidence in your ability to cope has further diminished .
18 Yeah , but you 've still got ta be signed off sick .
19 Between eight and 14m working days are lost in Britain each year as employees are forced off sick by their hangovers at a cost of more than £700m in lost production .
20 You go to church so fine and holy and when your neighbour fall down sick you pass by on the other side !
21 A third of services were to take off sick crewmen .
22 Clearing up sick .
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