Example sentences of "[verb] [adv prt] seven " in BNC.

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1 O.K.W. subsequently claimed that German fighters had shot down seven Hurricanes without loss , yet strangely only three claims can be found for 7/JG 26 , one of which may not even have been confirmed .
2 His father died when he was three years old , leaving his mother to support and bring up seven children , providing for her family by opening a greengrocer 's shop and later a modest boarding house .
3 We had that one nil down and we thought that was it , there was and then they came back seven goals
4 She rolled out the pastry and , using a small cutter , cut out seven small tarts and started to place them in a six-sectioned tart tin .
5 He trained a bee to come to a particular source ( black in the fig. ) ; and then put out seven similar food sources at various distances from the hive .
6 I came out seven years later , and the whole world had changed .
7 But the view cos you , you 're going up seven miles
8 They will also want to see 2,500 voting papers from another NUS election which mysteriously turned up seven years after they should have been destroyed .
9 The truth was revealed only by chance , when a journalist for the US magazine Sports Illustrated happened to be aboard a boat when it hauled up seven dead porpoises , caught in a single set .
10 What you 've been going out seven weeks ?
11 Rae rifled through the jumble of cassettes and hauled out seven unmarked possibilities .
12 Subsequently , wrote Mrs Sadat , they felt a special kinship for they led the two most ancient civilisations in the middle east — " the Iranian Empire dating back 2500 years and Egypt 's civilization going back seven thousand .
13 Dungannon 's Clarke , now attached to the host K Club , has improved his score each day — 75 on Thursday , 73 on Friday and a splendid 70 yesterday — but it is most unlikely that even a golfer of his calibre could make up seven shots in one round .
14 Even now , he hung on seven weeks more .
15 Ulster 's pair Hilton Meneely and Andrew Dennison are on each other 's heels , with 857 and 854 points respectively , with German-based Meneely moving up seven places to No 344 .
16 Part of the programme includes contracting out seven nurseries while the remaining three become day centres .
17 Small shot one sheep half-paralysed by septicaemia , and brought in seven ewes that had lost lambs or fallen ill .
18 The members had set down seven proposals which would provide a useful starting point for the task force .
19 The Germans should recall their experiences in the area , when the fighting tied down seven German divisions .
20 The ITGWU and the Workers ' Party organized a march of trade union members to picket the County Offices and then crowd the public gallery to watch the meeting , while dockers supporting the protest struck for a day , bringing work in the port to a halt and tying up seven ships .
21 Well he 's gone on seven days of the week complaining about so and so we 'll just narrow that down to one article about his his complaint that they may just make a little note he 's complained seven times about this !
22 Sir James picked up a 67 per cent increase to £571,000 when profits went up seven per cent .
23 And now she had the shop — Mary Ann Evans 's , with its wood-panelled lifts that went up seven floors and a turnover of so many millions a year .
24 The following story concerns the sighting of a Deltic seen clearly entering Hadley Wood South tunnel , bearing the number 55020 Nimbus , even though the locomotive had been cut up seven months previously .
25 But , Nimbus was cut up seven months ago .
26 Just say if that was seven and mm er that 'd end up seven .
27 ‘ Then it 's a deal ! ’ cried Anne 's father briskly , and he counted out seven pound notes into Miss Miggs 's hand , which was trembling with her excitement and pleasure .
28 If you go back seven or eight years ago er the city institutions would be saying to the companies , you know this is a er a major matter in the in the growth of the company and you need you need city representation , you need a firm of city lawyers to deal with it .
29 And the Cid followed them to Atienza , and to Ciguenza , and Fita , and Guadalajara , and through the whole land of St. Esteban , as far as Toledo , slaying and burning , and plundering and destroying , and laying hands on all whom he found , so that he brought back seven thousand prisoners , men and women ; and he and all his people returned rich and with great honour .
30 Counting out seven pound notes , he laid them carefully on the table .
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