Example sentences of "[verb] [adv prt] half " in BNC.

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1 I would reckon I 'll be finished with Norman about ten o'clock it takes me an hour and a half to drive down half past eleven say I 'm in here about twelve o'clock right , cheers
2 His voice was n't its usual fulsome boom , and probably only carried down half a mile of corridor .
3 I , I , I was supposed to have a lift , and erm I was waiting like I say ten to five we knock off half one you see and the guy never turned up , the car was there but
4 ‘ When he discovered you 'd disappeared , he went storming off half cocked and in a filthy rage that would have rocked the very mountains .
5 A senior American official said Bill Clinton planned to write off half the debts owed to the United States by Africa 's 18 poorest countries .
6 His work in the Sahara was recently included in a Sports Council exhibition that nearly never happened due to a last-minute decision by sponsors Kodak to pull out half of their backing money , which was needed for other photographic projects .
7 Iris Murdoch 's war-time communism had given place , well before her first novel ever appeared , to an interest in Sartre 's Existentialism : a natural stepping-stone , in the 1940s , along a well-trodden path that leads out of the simplifying preconceptions of Marxism ; and though earlier partisan interests flickered back half into life in the 1960s , during the Vietnam war , she had already abandoned Marx , and publicly , before the 1950s were out .
8 He nodded , then went back to the oven , taking a jar from the shelf on the wall and emptying out half its contents on to the board beside the oven .
9 As the day wears on they begin to mock each other , particularly Neil Strachan , the melancholy Presbyterian geologist , who keeps ruling out half their best ideas as bloody tectonic impossibilities , and who ca n't do a convincing German accent for the life of him .
10 Er it spoilt it a bit when that guy in the glasses came on half way through .
11 Realizing that her tea was going cold , she gulped down half of it .
12 For example , the effect of holding in memory a visual pattern made up by randomly filling in half the cells of a matrix ( with either 3 , 4 or 5 cells per side ) did not produce " general activation " in the same way as words were found to do .
13 came in half way through it , at least half way erm but it was so obviously the voice of erm Freud , Clement Freud
14 Many ministers were said to support the view that exceptional aid to Poland and Egypt , effectively writing off half their debt , should be extended to other countries .
15 We learnt to swim in the opaque water with our little slips sewn up half way seamwise .
16 It was more like a personal appearance by a pop star … just a glimpse of Desert Orchid was enough to draw the crowds and set the cameras clicking.But after all , this was the horse with his own fanclub.And he has created a few records.Between 1983 and 1991 Dezi won 34 steeplechases , picking up half a million pounds in prize money into the bargain.Now he 's retired … and enjoying the fame :
17 Next morning , Folly woke up half expecting that it would all turn out to be a dream .
18 On the third evening of his stay , for instance , a couple of the wilder sons of the local gentry had turned up half tipsy from their celebrations following a squirrel hunt .
19 First , as in many federations , the rich ( Slovenes and Croats ) did not like bankrolling the poor ( the southern republics ) or the Yugoslav army , which ate up half the federal budget .
20 ‘ Women hold up half the sky ’
21 The magazine 's message then was the same as it is today : that ‘ women hold up half the sky and a great deal more besides ’ and that development will at best hobble along until women 's disproportionate contribution to the work , wealth and well-being of their communities is both recognized and rewarded .
22 it was in my training , she but she had n't but your mother who never had before I could rely on her from a little child , I said stay there , when I came back , if I came back half an hour later , she 'd still of been there Linda would of been
23 You can not carry out half an audit .
24 The most attractive feature is that the directors can borrow back half the money in the scheme and invest it in their business .
25 well not just a tiny bit , you put about half way up do n't you Paul ?
26 First , the Detroit Institute of Arts lost 41% of its funding , laid off half its staff , and drastically reduced programs , but managed to remain partially open .
27 Forster half rolled , his Uzi trembling in his hand as he got off half a clip at point blank range .
28 Cos I had an occasion where I had a , a replacement door it was my own house and they ripped off half the screws .
29 That you can easily lose your concentration and go off to sleep and so it is in the truth , so we need to stay awake , stand firm for almighty , be vigilant and again in the scriptures we could look up half a dozen scriptures in the Christian Greek scriptures to show that we need to keep spiritually awake and it uses different terminology you 've heard me use some already , remember the one in verse Peter four , verse seven ?
30 ‘ Poor Goldie , ’ murmurs Becky , ‘ and you need n't have worried , what with her turning up half an hour late .
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