Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] country " in BNC.

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1 There could have been a serious road accident with a dozen or so frightened animals careering about country lanes .
2 Some were convincingly disguised as country houses , with entrance gates and spreading lawns , such as the Black Horse , Northfield , Birmingham or the Hare and Hounds , Kingstanding Road , Perry Barr .
3 But if you have the luck to come of country stock then you should never sever your roots , no matter how great the temptation to ‘ improve ’ yourself , or to inhabit more glorious scenery , or to be nearer a railway station .
4 Well New Zealand looks like country and
5 Appreciating that Britain had become even more vulnerable to air attack , children living in ‘ target areas ’ , such as London , were again evacuated into country areas , and in June 1940 , Strand-on-the-Green School was closed in Chiswick and reopened in Cornwall .
6 It may be so , if it is a personal Christmas card list , for example ; but if the same modest list were to be headed ‘ suspected sympathisers with the X Party ’ ( or the Y terrorist group ) , or ‘ directors of companies believed to be trading with country Z ’ — there could be danger to those on the list if it fell into the hands of evil-minded zealots — and perhaps then the shorter the list the greater the danger .
7 Be extra careful when walking along country roads .
8 Like most radio services , paging is limited by the regulatory authorities ' allocation of frequencies , which tend to differ from country to country .
9 The impact of the migrants has varied from country to country , but two areas which stand out as having been profoundly affected throughout the continent are housing and employment .
10 Agricultural productivity varied from country to country with its structure .
11 They will want to know why we did not appreciate the inconvenience and stupidity of having to change currency constantly as one moved from country to country in the Community .
12 During a gathering of families at beautiful Seal Park , to christen a grandchild and celebrate the return of the good life after the War , a battle for succession is resolved in Country ( BBC-2 9.00pm ) continuing ‘ The Richard Eyre Season ’ .
13 The pace of change differed from country to country : Poland , Romania and Bulgaria were effectively Soviet puppets by 1946 , but Hungary was only brought under Moscow 's control in mid-1947 and a coalition government survived in Czechoslovakia until February 1948 .
14 The designs differed from country to country , but the general trend was from geometrical shapes — circles , triangles , quatrefoils — in the earlier period , to curved flamboyant forms in the later years .
15 Many of our best supporters increased their majorities , and a new team of MPs committed to country sports has been elected .
16 Angela had always preferred old oak and mellow English fruitwoods to mahogany , and was attracted to country furniture because it was the sort of simple , practical furniture that ordinary people would have had in their farmhouses or cottages .
17 I am a country living junkie and my appetite for magazines devoted to country life is insatiable .
18 The analysis can be made more sophisticated , and sometimes more realistic , by introducing alternative assumptions relating to country size .
19 The tale soon ran round Devonport — of a dead body carried across country by three men and a woman .
20 A computer controls Challenger 's gun , so it can shoot accurately at moving tanks , even when the vehicle is itself driving across country .
21 And my favourite fantasies were of walking across country after country until I reached some strange place no one had ever visited .
22 ‘ But the other path passes through country that is without sound or sight or contact .
23 There were numerous poems written about country estates in the eighteenth century , but again it is difficult to know how many of these Leapor read , though she must have read some .
24 What makes them interesting is the interplay between depressed singer and band that is capable of creating subtle guitar and synth textures , providing languid settings for a piece like Free , then pushing into country , or a blues riff ( on Get Out Of My Mirror ) , and proves that it can really stretch out when given a chance , as at the end of New Day Dawning .
25 The lenders are being separated into country groups — Britain , the United States and Canada — and then separated again into separate projects .
26 Let us now consider some of the economic and political factors generally incorporated into country risk assessment models applicable to non-OECD countries .
27 And yet it is a paradox of the period that change came into country life as often as not through the women .
28 Many of the letters we receive come from people living in country towns and villages concerned about proposals that would smother green fields with development , destroy attractive open spaces within the built-up area or ruin important views .
29 Ancient peoples and those living in country districts must have been more sensitive to nature spirits , or the entities underlying physical form .
30 As he waited , Hazel realized more fully than ever how dangerous was their position , without holes , wandering in country they did not know .
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