Example sentences of "[verb] [noun sg] go " in BNC.

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1 Really we know still know very little about what teachers actually do in the classroom , and it 's all very well standing back in university and saying teachers should do this and should do that , but in order to be able to offer guidance I think we really need to do more research in mixed ability classrooms to discover how teachers are at the moment dealing with the situation and where we might offer them more support , and that 's the direction I 'd like to see research go in , rather than more erm of the grandiose large-scale quantitative studies , which collect lots of figures and statistics — I 'd like to see a lot more studies in actual classrooms looking at actual teachers teaching .
2 He let Coffin go up and drag him out .
3 As an innovator , what directions would you like to see archaeology go in over the next twenty years ?
4 She could n't do much yet , and was certainly not fit to take a job — otherwise she would have made Breeze go to Edinburgh , and gone down to Penzance herself .
5 But she never let fame go to her head .
6 If she suspects Crevecoeur is here and asks , we let hir go back .
7 Let patent go to your feet
8 But to help shopping go smoothly , follow these points .
9 PC Tools 8 is crammed with quality features , some of which could make MS-DOS go green with envy
10 But he came ra racing out the office after her when he heard car go roaring past the office .
11 The ideal of beauty and normality can not perish in a healthy society ; and for this reason you ought to let art go its own way ad be confident that it will not go astray …
12 I 'd like to see Father go a round or two with one of them .
13 One can not have letting go without also having forgiveness .
14 Hong Kong angers Peking by letting swimmer go West
15 Erika shook her head , for once letting authority go unheeded .
16 there , I do n't know , I do n't know what you 're gon na do , cos whatever it is you 're not doing it , it 's just letting time go by are n't ya , treading water if you like .
17 Graham felt oddly satisfied at seeing life go on around him like this ; he felt almost smug at walking past people and them not giving him a second glance , at least not now he 'd got rid of Slater .
18 You can let hir go now .
19 For the reasons I have given and subject to one or two further points , I would let mandamus go and order the coroner to hold an inquest .
20 The final question which arises is whether , in the exercise of our discretion , we should let mandamus go bearing in mind that the events with which we are concerned occurred as long ago as 1989 and then occupied no more than perhaps three quarters of an hour .
21 brother will let Jade go .
22 He probably wo n't let Jade go cos of the dog .
23 What she is saying is that there are hundreds of millions of people out there who can let life go by without trying to relate themselves to the big issues .
24 Electricity has a major part to play in making Christmas go with a swing .
25 ‘ You 're the horriblest Mummy in the world to make Daddy go , ’ she said .
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