Example sentences of "[verb] [modal v] happen " in BNC.

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1 Developing a ‘ collaborative classroom ’ did not mean suddenly insisting that everyone works together all the time ( as some teachers fear may happen if enthusiasm for ‘ group work ’ gets out of hand ) , but rather creating conditions which would allow the collective resources of the group to be used to support and enhance across the whole range of classroom activity .
2 The problem is that the law makes its intelligent decision as to what it thinks should happen which may accord with your wishes .
3 In my next two chapters I shall attempt to compare the official curriculum in African primary schools with actual curriculum practice , and thus to contrast what official plans say should happen in schools with the realities of what actual schools and real teachers plan and provide .
4 In times of political crisis and upheaval , political and governmental practice ( what " really " happens ) and established constitutional theory ( what the authorities say should happen ) are likely to be out of step and there are severe limits as to what the constitutional theorists can do to shape behaviour .
5 Although it is the case that many of Freud 's speculations were mistaken , something he half , if not fully , expected would happen within biology , it is not possible to ignore the other aspects of the death-instinct theory which have an application within psychoanalysis , and its extension into sociology .
6 He put down in detail what he had expected would happen with respect to each of them , what actually did happen , and why , if there was a discrepancy , the two differed .
7 ‘ What did you think might happen ? ’
8 What other things do you hope or do you think might happen shall we say ?
9 Right , what do you think might happen if a baby 's getting chilled , what signs do you think might you notice ?
10 A sponge , it says sponge on there , what do you think might happen when you put your sponge in ?
11 And if , as China warns may happen , foreign debt repayments start causing headaches in 1990-91 , then even the most gung-ho foreign lender will grow cautious .
12 ‘ It was dreadful and not something I ever imagined could happen in a British hospital . ’
13 What all the wise promised has not happened , and what all the damned fools said would happen has come to pass .
14 In the Preface we suggested that , as a minimum level of activity , you go in with ( i ) some ideas about what you hope will happen , emphasizing pupil and teacher activities ( ii ) some questions that you want answered about the unit , and ( iii ) some paper to note what actually does happen in detail , and in general .
15 This , alas , was the tenth time — the freak one that you hope will happen to someone else , while you gasp at poker 's infinite potential for cruelty .
16 I think it 's , I think that 's erm well it 's not exactly a bluff , but it 's , it 's a case of er what they hope will happ hope will happen .
17 For surely a time will come when what I have said will happen will happen , and then one among us eagles will fly freely on the wind .
18 But it does happen , and I venture to suggest should happen wherever there is apparently terminal decline .
19 With such facts in mind , the preference utilitarian may suggest that our aim should be not just that people should somehow have as much subjective experience as possible of the kinds they most prefer , but that as much as possible of what they would like to have happen should happen .
20 The first official post after September 3rd confirmed what we were told might happen , we were no more members of the London County Council staff , but had been taken over by the government and were to be known as part of the Emergency Medical Service .
21 Now I 'm not getting at you or Peter Underhill , both of being excellent fellows ; but this is just the sort of thing I predicted would happen twenty years ago when we , as a country , started to ‘ go metric ’ and were assured that five years would see it done .
22 It can not be otherwise : self governing will happen only with the doctors ' approval and only if they are convinced that patients will benefit . ’
23 But some things you just know will happen .
24 What do I hope will happen ? " and " Why am I doing it this way ? "
25 The only exception to this is that the test machine arrived without one of its little rubber feet , something that I feel might happen quite regularly , given that they just screw in with a small self-tapping screw , and have no supporting adhesive to really make things permanent .
26 Everything you feared might happen , did happen , only worse .
27 To what I suppose would happen possibly about eighty percent of the time , where you 're working , you 've worked yourself off to do a superb drawing of a house all day , and er , the branch manager or whoever it may be , is walking round passing quotes , and walks off not really showing any general interest in this superb picture I 've just spent all my time doing .
28 What he had feared would happen was happening now , though the feeling he had was not of being in any way rejected , nor was it embarrassment .
29 And as proof in the healing power of accepted love her hands undid him , as he undid her , until , naked together , he lifted himself to enter her , and if for McAllister there was a moment of trapped fear it disappeared when she was truly his , and they were , at last , one thing , moving together in harmony in an experience quite unlike the shock and terror which she had felt with Havvie , and had always feared would happen to her if she ever made love again .
30 For surely a time will come when what I have said will happen will happen , and then one among us eagles will fly freely on the wind .
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