Example sentences of "[verb] [be] usually " in BNC.

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1 The sores that it produces are usually found on the external surface of the penis in the male , but rarely the site of infection may be inside the urethra , and in these cases recurrent ‘ non-specific urethritis ’ may occur , which is particularly resistant to treatment .
2 This could be seen as a sign of healthy growth and change ; yet the new fittings and equipment installed are usually totally insensitive to the design quality of the original .
3 It also seems that the mothers involved were usually very good judges of their own child 's character , and were often able to make accurate predictions concerning future behaviour .
4 What exercises were included were usually written , and were often the type requiring translation of sentences from one language to the other .
5 Cooling is usually done by passing the gas through pipes .
6 Elsewhere hunt is usually welcome .
7 For reasons of economy the population of individuals approached is usually a small sample of the total relevant population .
8 The base cost is usually the original cost , but in certain circumstances the market value at 6 April 1965 or 31 March 1982 can be used instead .
9 The interval at which words are deleted is usually between every fifth and every tenth word .
10 What Breuer writes is usually clearly argued and factually correct , but he does not refrain from making his own contribution to the field .
11 Surface links between American airports and the cities they are supposed to serve are usually dire .
12 Turbulent jets and wakes are usually surrounded by non-turbulent fluid ; a turbulent boundary layer usually occurs beneath an inviscid irrotational flow .
13 Those animals not ransomed were usually sold cheaply to cultivators or butchers who knew full well the origins of the animal .
14 Comparison with the earlier comedies shows that there imposture is usually adopted consciously , deliberately — a man becomes a hypocrite for his own gain or/and the ruin of others .
15 It is far easier to trace one 's ancestors in the second half of the sixteenth century than in the Middle Ages , and the information that can be collected is usually much fuller than before .
16 In some such patients , speech production is not eliminated , but what is said is usually entirely meaningless and incomprehensible ( this syndrome is known as transcortical sensory aphasia ) .
17 A little elementary knowledge of the geography of the area that one is searching is usually sufficient to solve the problem of correct identification .
18 Typically , the Bank will announce that discount houses wishing to use their borrowing facilities are invited to do so at 2.30 p.m. ; on such occasions the interest rate at which loans are made is usually published .
19 ‘ You 'll find the only people who complain are usually gentlemen with very little hair , ’ adds Barbara , herself a young-at-heart 57 , ‘ and they 're complaining about these young people with lots of hair !
20 No historian , for instance , would study the economy of a modern society by an examination of its coins ( or banknotes ) ; even questions about the way coins are used are usually better answered from anecdotal evidence .
21 The compensation package offered is usually based on a local salary , which , when converted into sterling , is considerably higher than the workers could earn in the UK .
22 As careful clinical monitoring is more difficult in the darkened environment in which ERCP is usually performed , this finding illustrates the value of additional patient monitoring by pulse oximetry .
23 The choice of which package to select is usually helped considerable by a number of factors .
24 Slalom racing is usually held in strong winds , so it is fast , exhilarating and good to watch .
25 Whether breach has occurred is usually a matter of construction .
26 Similarly , the adequacy of the course as it exists is usually the implicit object of review .
27 Admittedly , imprinting was usually thought of as the process by which animals normally learn about the characteristics of their species , even though a reference was occasionally made to ‘ asexual imprinting ’ ( Aberle et al . ,
28 They proved almost useless , for the ebb and flow of the fighting hindered the collection of accurate information , and such as was gleaned was usually out of date by the time of its transmission .
29 Traditionally , certain specialist work such as asphalt and felt roofing , heating and ventilating , shopfitting , lift installations and piling are usually sub-let by builders .
30 ‘ The letters we get are usually very friendly ; sometimes I even get birthday cards from listeners who have never met me , ’ said Mr Edmond Sehayek , director of the Arabic service , an Iraqi Jew who emigrated to Israel in 1963 .
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