Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] bad " in BNC.

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1 But I did n't look , I did n't stop , it was raining so bad Thursday morning and windy that I I went to the market , I cut straight through and went up and Di went to get the paper then he went .
2 On the day she was taken ill , Rose had a severe headache , which became so bad that she called her doctor , who asked a neurologist to visit her immediately at home .
3 Things became so bad for the Charles Bal later on in the evening that she had to spend the entire night tacking back and forth south east of Krakatoa , probably remaining within twenty kilometres of it — the ash-fall from the eruption was so thick that Captain Watson could not see well enough to steer away to safety , but ironically , the glare from the volcano provided a weird and somewhat improbable lighthouse .
4 Baling out over Malta had now become a somewhat risky business , as Doug Whitney recalls : ‘ They ( the Maltese ) were so bitter about the bombing that they inclined to treat anyone baling out as an enemy and this became so bad we all carried revolvers to protect ourselves until we could convince them otherwise .
5 Two years ago , the rare skin condition that has plagued her life became so bad that doctors at Great Ormond Street Hospital said nothing more could be done and sent her home to die .
6 ‘ The family situation became so bad that we had to depart .
7 It soon became so bad that Seb was concerned lest Carrie was unable to cross the farmyard from the cow-shed .
8 They were later reunited by the Red Cross , but two days ago the shelling became so bad they were forced to flee .
9 Loretta reminded herself that telling stories was part of his job , and he had probably heard much worse than this in his time .
10 It got so bad we had to do the full old lady bit and put up net curtains .
11 However , it got so bad one day — I think he had been discussing this with his father because he used to go home sometimes at the weekends and come back to the flat on Monday — and he came in one day and said , ‘ OK , it 's going to be cabaret ’ .
12 I got so bad I could n't do it so I gave up .
13 It 's so good that I came to know Jesus as Lord before this silly disease got so bad .
14 Now both of them were choking with their laughter as Mick ended , ‘ It got so bad that they used to wait for it every Sunday night and try to smother me with a pillow .
15 ‘ It got so bad FBI agents had to stay at my house to protect me from religious extremists whipped up by their campaign . ’
16 It got so bad I was n't able to concentrate on my studies .
17 It got so bad we jumped him .
18 and erm so that in nineteen eighty , when things got so bad in Salisbury ,
19 And then he got so bad , that he had to go in for .
20 He was making these trips at the suggestion of Lucas , the engineer to the GS&W ; , who said that if the distress got much worse , the government could hardly resist appeals to include authorized railways in the list of acceptable public works .
21 That is why the figures for nurses leaving the NHS remain so bad .
22 Hypnotherapy is also useful , except with those susceptible to depression , since this can be brought on or made much worse by hypnosis .
23 ‘ He made much worse cuts in the ‘ Scenes aux champs ’ of Berlioz 's Symphonie fantastique and in the last movement of Martinů 's Sixth Symphony , though these seem to have been made in live performances only . ’
24 All first-class advocates concentrate on what they consider to be their good points ; they do not run the risk of alienating the judge 's affections by producing obviously bad ones .
25 These symptoms were present most of the time , but became much worse if Sheila drove the car , used certain aerosol sprays , or had to sit in the same room as someone wearing perfume or aftershave .
26 In many ways their lot became much worse due to the effects of poor education and little prospect of work .
27 In fact it became much worse as Diana would make herself sick four , sometimes five times a day .
28 … atmospheric pollution has been with us since the creation ; it became much worse … with the Garden of Eden and infinitely worse following the mechanical ingenuity of James Watt .
29 The 128th-ranked Wood has a more difficult task against no 67 Wiltrud Probst of Germany , but Britain 's No 2 from Sussex could have fared much worse .
30 It looks so bad when the number one player in the world is not playing Davis Cup .
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