Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] various " in BNC.

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1 Those who had moved were traced through various means including the local Electoral Register , Leicestershire Family Health Services Authority , the local Registrar of Births and Deaths , and the NHS Central Register at Southport in Lancashire .
2 We may think of them as competing for various tenures .
3 In summary then , the reasons for choosing The Machine Gunners include the opportunities it offers for various aspects of personal involvement on the part of the reader and its curricular potentials with regard to related topic , theme , and language work .
4 Disputes often arose between various parishes and during the reign of Henry VIII there was a dispute between Henry Johnson , Vicar of Halling 1534–45 and John Wildbore Master of Strood hospital , concerning the proportion of tithes each should receive .
5 It has submitted three scenarios to a government advisory group allowing for various capacities of electricity production from onshore wind , offshore wind , landfill , hydroelectric , solar cell , wave and forestry schemes .
6 In the late 1960s there were 15,493 Commonwealth citizens registered for various nursing courses in the UK ( 1 ) .
7 The police began to search for various people but our security system was very good and we had been warned about what was happening .
8 It goes through various pressing processes to mould it into shape .
9 It is in accord with Morton Kaplan 's System and Process in International Politics , where different rules are formulated for various international systems .
10 This technique shows the entities most likely to be mentioned by the reader and , hence , indicates which entities predominate for various reasons .
11 The impact of a treaty upon a third party can range through various levels of intensity , from an actual duty accepted by a third party to perform certain acts , through to the treaty being ‘ incidentally unfavourable ’ to it .
12 Cells ( 50000 ) in serum free medium were added to each coated well and incubated for various times at 36°C .
13 Despite corporate financial officers ' best intentions , firms tend to go through various stages of growth .
14 It 's at a very early stage at the moment , there , there is a code being drafted ; it 's got to go through various processes and probably wo n't be in general circulation till December/January .
15 The critical values for χ 12 above which the two polymers will phase separate , calculated for various mixtures with , are shown in table 8.4 along with the corresponding differences in δ .
16 As outlined in chapter 12 , the reference temperature is often chosen to be T g with and , from which a τ can be calculated for various amorphous polymers .
17 Seven cases were dismissed for various reasons at the civil hearing held before Sheriff Alexander Jessop .
18 Other sales which were planned but would be delayed for various reasons were those of Coalcorp , the former state coal mining operation ; Landcorp , which administered government buildings and land ; and Electricorp , which operated the power stations and the national grid .
19 In fact , he would have made an ideal barrister — and he defended quite a lot of men who were indicted for various things — got them away because he was too cute for the superintendent who was dealing with the job .
20 This international course will emphasise organisation of communication and non-formal education programmes that are designed for various sectors of society ranging from policy-makers to villagers .
21 Table 6.8 shows the percentage of accesses to synonyms to be expected for various bucket sizes , in the 80/20 case .
22 I have argued with my district health authority for many years I know that many hon. Members have done the same with theirs — because it has for various reasons shifted the problem of elderly sick people to the private sector .
23 Even as Mrs Thatcher stood triumphant for the third time on the stairs at Central Office the applauding apparatchiks were already honing the knives for the Saatchi team which was blamed for various mid-campaign woes .
24 External factors may be blamed for the general depression of mood and blamed for various damaging consequences but no connection may be made between the depressed mood and damaging consequences and the continuing use of the substance or behaviour of addiction .
25 This word can convey several meanings but one of them expresses an inner state of mind so torn between various options that it can not make up its mind .
26 This procedure takes a new snapshot and does pixel counts for various subareas such as a narrow strips at the edge of the region of the reference area which is supposed to contain the reference card .
27 The younger Thomas rose through various appointments to become in 1638 groom of the bedchamber to Prince Charles , and Henry became the queen 's master of the horse .
28 The hand rampaged through various pockets and emerged a few seconds later with a rectangle of paper torn from a reporter 's notebook .
29 But by the end of the Sixties , Lagerfeld was back , having freelanced for various companies in Italy , and started his long association with the Fendis doing , as he puts it , ‘ funny things ’ for them .
30 ’ Tom , therefore , had to pass through various stages of purification , in which water is the essential element , before he can be reunited in heaven with Ellie , the well-brought-up little girl , into those bedroom in Harthover House he had so unceremoniously descended by way of the chimney .
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