Example sentences of "[verb] [adj] ways " in BNC.

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1 In this chapter we will discuss these questions and the preliminary answers we have , suggesting possible ways of answering them in the future :
2 Apart from using subtle ways to show his disapproval of her , he saw the redundancy exercise initiated by the government of Tanzania as the perfect excuse and a legitimate cover for her dismissal .
3 In response to these general changes many local housing authorities are pursuing innovative ways of attracting private finance , often coupled with a devolution of control to tenants ' groups .
4 Games can be non-threatening be fun to play indicate clearly to the children that a different kind of thought process is going to be required of them in the drama session introduce collaborative ways of working focus and channel energies which might otherwise become distracting create useful opportunities for the teacher to assess the mood and interests of the class .
5 He plans to increase the hotel 's vegetarian selections and introduce healthier ways of preparing food without losing texture and taste , such as using less cream in sauces .
6 So far we have examined different ways of valuing a single share in the firm .
7 They remain different ways , because the institutions of natural science involve the practice of giving causal explanations with the aid of models and statistics , whereas those of religion involve nothing of the sort .
8 To judge from the surviving traces , this applies more especially to communities which in the course of the last five millennia have dragged themselves from the morass of primitive communism and set their feet on ground firm enough to support civilized ways of life .
9 And , in respect of the admissions report , er as you will recall er Colin and others thought that perhaps more information might be useful or would like er to see different ways in which the computer reports er on the er information
10 Moses and Monarchism is not one of those books of Freud as I expect you to read for this course , I mean I expect you to read things like Civilization 's Discontents and so on because they 're , they 're kind of central and they 're not very large books , they 're clearly er focused on our subject but erm it would be I think a little bit unreasonable for me to expect you to read this one , although , er I 'd quite like you to I mean some ways erm it 's a fascinating book , erm my guess is if it , if you do n't hate it , you 'd probably quite like it .
11 they 've all got different , they 've all been taught different ways of doing things and , and really in a , when you thing of the old boys they 're all erm , date , I mean they 've got the modern equipment , but , they do n't use it much .
12 Two green papers were produced , suggesting different ways of doing this .
13 By using different ways to add up the forces on each star from the infinite number of other stars in the universe , one can get different answers to the question of whether the stars can remain at constant distances from each other .
14 But they reckon when they did obviously it 's a set that probably someone had to say the same thing doing or the same person went through so many functions and it was worked using different ways of saying .
15 I do not fee ! that it is helpful for students to do exercises on using different ways of transcribing phonemes — just learning one set of conventions is difficult enough .
16 In each of the following situations discuss the potential effect on the business and suggest possible ways in which those effects could be reflected on the worksheet .
17 If , however , the council is serious about the need for reform it must be willing to find innovative ways of enforcing its recommendations .
18 Thirdly , we must consider further ways to assist lone parents .
19 If you carefully plan a new health regime that slowly introduces slight modifications to your usual meals , perhaps to try different ways of cooking food , to have slightly larger portions of vegetables and fruit , you will eventually find that your food preferences change slightly , enough to tip the balance from an unhealthy diet ( too high in fat and sugar , too low in fibre ) , to a healthy one that will help you attain and then maintain a slim figure .
20 In this section we will describe some ways in which the choices involved in applying the B & B method may be resolved .
21 ‘ A lot of hacking goes on inside companies by employees trying to find easier ways of doing their jobs .
22 All are concerned with practical issues such as the accessibility of the union to those who are coming into the profession and the need to find sensible ways of selecting actors for parts .
23 More generally , it is quite difficult to find sensible ways of combining phrase searching with word searching .
24 In this second part we shall look at what is required of a spiritual director and suggest some ways of exploring it as a personal resource .
25 Ask them to — name the products they 'd use and quote their recommended retail prices ; explain how to cut corners and suggest some ways of cutting costs ; and choose the fish for their set-ups .
26 Indeed , and to allow them to take that sort of action that they feel allows them , or enables them to express what they 're feelings are , but to assume that they can take the sort of action that we as adults have not been able to take , i.e. to find different ways and more mature ways of resolving conflicts is putting expectations on children that we as adults have n't been able to achieve ourselves .
27 In general terms , within the particular situations , those structures provide economical ways of performing decision management ( initiating decisions and implementing them ) and decision control ( ratifying decisions and monitoring them ) .
28 everybody has different ways do n't they ?
29 The contexts of language teaching , like the more general social contexts within which they are located , are continually changing , continually challenging habitual ways of thinking and the patterns of past certainty .
30 Markets and government provide different ways in which voluntary exchange takes place .
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