Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] gone " in BNC.

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1 The length of life we can expect to enjoy has gone up markedly over that period and the number of children who die before the age of five in developing countries has been reduced by half .
2 Magwitch reveals himself as Pip 's benefactor and says every penny he has earned has gone to Pip .
3 Now , of course , we we know that that you know , that that that that er , that even then , part of that settlement has has gone because they 've cut off on the of the Western by-pass , I mean , you 've still got er , er
4 It follows from this My Lords that I believe that the Noble Lord , Lord with his well-known moderation and desire to compromise has gone rather too far in meeting Government intentions , but at all events I do ago go along with his proposal that if it is to be done by order , it would be right that the order should be laid before Parliament to make quite sure that justice has been done .
5 since 1987 , given that even double-glazing salesmen appear to have gone quiet in this recession and given that energy-efficiency investment not only helps the environment but protects the vulnerable and the old and creates hundreds of thousands of jobs , will the Government consider extending the exemption from stamp duty for all energy-efficient homes beyond August and perhaps indefinitely ?
6 A Royal Navy spokesman said : ‘ They appear to have gone off course and were about five miles from shore . ’
7 ‘ Sir Ralph had certain questions to ask the chaplain about stores and provisions which appear to have gone missing . ’
8 My dad always claimed to have gone to public school , but he was never precise about which one .
9 His statement was considered to have gone sufficiently far towards an apology to have enraged many nationalists within his own party , without having satisfied those who demanded a clear-cut official apology as a key part of an acceptance of responsibility for initiating the Pacific War .
10 But a car bomb is reported to have gone off in the Palestinian quarter of the city and a police station has been blown up ( the interior ministry says by an accidental explosion ) .
11 The 16 , who had been identified from seized television news videotape , included Hankuk student chairman Chong Won Taek , who was reported to have gone into hiding .
12 In the following days , groups of soldiers were reported to have gone on the rampage in Kinshasa , looting shops and businesses .
13 At several sites , protesting miners were reported to have gone down the pits and stayed there following the announcement .
14 A civilian gunman is reported to have gone on the rampage at the base in Kentucky which houses the nation 's gold repository .
15 After Miss Usher had gone home to Frant ,
16 Has Miss gone
17 Catch-as-catch can , for what is done has gone — and yet when you reenter memory it seems as if time is the dream .
18 A rather unsatisfactory marriage was glorified in his imagination by high-sounding comparisons between himself and Dante , while his largely innocent office romances — which do not appear to have gone much beyond crushes on secretaries — were seen in terms of Launcelot 's devotion to Guinevere and the threatened breaking of the Round Table .
19 Notwithstanding these excesses of zeal , the Evangelical Alliance booklet does not appear to have gone over the top .
20 In Spain , in the later 1780s , the foreign minister , Count Floridablanca , began attaching youths in their late teens to missions abroad to be given there some grounding in diplomatic skills : this again does not appear to have gone very far .
21 It all seemed to have gone remarkably smoothly .
22 Homosexuals seemed to have gone off him once he turned thirty .
23 His mind seemed to have gone into a paralysing panic .
24 The tannoy seemed to have gone to sleep .
25 The room seemed to have gone dark , as if someone had turned off the lights , and she wondered if she might be going to faint .
26 Now that it was over Edward seemed to have gone a very long way away from her , as if she was no more than a stranger to whom he was giving a lift .
27 They were nowhere in sight as I went through to the dining car , and Filmer seemed to have gone straight to his room , as there was a thread of light shining along the bottom of his door ; but Daffodil , I discovered , had after all not .
28 I could barely speak at all ; the muscles in my face seemed to have gone rigid .
29 Later , Emerson was to continue racing in other forms , in the US Cart championship and elsewhere : the bug was still in him , success came occasionally , but the spirit seemed to have gone out of the man .
30 The air was still and the flies seemed to have gone .
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