Example sentences of "[noun] to remember that " in BNC.

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1 Boeing paid for it all , and perhaps it would be well for the more cynically-minded who believe aircraft manufacturers are only in the business to make money to remember that Boeing had no legal obligation to contribute a single penny .
2 It is therefore simplest to interpret these results in terms of an inability to remember that food has just been obtained from a particular arm .
3 In a paper to the Channel Tunnel conference Derek Bateman , the chair of the Inter-Association Public Transport Forum , urged authorities to remember that ‘ Bath will be competing with Baden Baden ’ and ‘ Blackpool … with Benidorm ’ .
4 That is why I think it is good for me to go back to Scotland to remember that there is a world outside London and television .
5 The reformers consistently stressed the need to remember that , whilst the liberalising tendencies of the proposals were making all the headlines , a set of controls was also included which was an essential part of the package .
6 Dorothy inquired , far too intrigued at this unexpected interest in Isobel to remember that she was supposed to be indoors starting to prepare supper .
7 " I wo n't be late , " he said and it took her a moment to remember that they were speaking of Miss Dallam 's wedding-breakfast .
8 I hope that the hon. Gentleman will ask his constituents to remember that if they want to do something about that matter there is one answer — to buy the best food that there is , and that is British produced .
9 I think it 's terribly important in an organisational crisis to remember that the crisis aspect of it , the critical nature of it , is something you 've got to put to one side .
10 Decisions about the nature of planning will of course vary greatly from school to school , but it 's important for the head to remember that we accomplish most when the staff and children are working together .
11 In his summing-up , Mr Justice Drake had told jurors to remember that the ‘ hurt ’ caused to Mr Donovan lasted less than a year and would end with a verdict in his favour .
12 His lyrics are abysmal tosh , his singing voice so stunted , adenoidal and gumby that it takes a real effort of will to remember that this is n't a joke , that this man is actually worshipped as a rock god by literally millions of depressed , terminally adolescent would-be heroin addicts worldwide .
13 We also use those homes as centres for day care , and the financial effects of that are estimated and taken out of these calculations , but I think it 's important for members to remember that your residential homes are n't purely and simply providing only residential care , they are also centres for day care in that particular area .
14 But it is as well for high-profile entrepreneurs to remember that they are always at some risk of being damned by association if they use structures that appear , or can with journalistic licence be made to appear , too close to those behind which fraudsters have hidden .
15 A comparison of such different ballets as Enigma Variations , Fancy Free and The Rake 's Progress emphasises how important it is for young choreographers to remember that ballet is an art of the general as well as of the particular .
16 But it is important for the family counsellor to remember that even such negative family systems provide individuals with a basis for role allocation , and a security based on certainty and predictability , however unpalatable .
17 It is a valuable thing to remember that you can never succeed in public life further than your friends will let you .
18 Summer sunshine and frequent dips in the sea or pool will lift your spirits and brighten the natural lights in your hair , but you should take care to remember that , as with most things , it is possible to have too much of a good thing .
19 We have to go back a little way to remember that in 1976 they presided over the most savage cuts ever imposed on the national health service .
20 In chapter four the " turnyng til Jhesu " from all worldly things ( 94.2 ) is like the " insuperabel " love , while the second degree , " inseperabel " relates to the injunction to remember that all time is lost which is not God-centred and to contemplate the joy of those who are stable in this love until death ( 95.38f . ) .
21 It 's also important in that context to remember that some art , by its nature , is fleeting .
22 ( I was glad at this time to remember that a woman in our own suburb had said to her once , ‘ I think you are the most attractive girl in the village ! ’ )
23 I desire the reader to remember that I do not make use of the word people for the mere vulgar or mobile , but for the whole community , consisting of clergy , nobility and commons …
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