Example sentences of "[noun] helps [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 So religion helps us also to be tolerant of other people 's beliefs .
2 The historical background provided in this chapter helps us understand some of these diagnoses as well as some of the prescriptions .
3 Marie helps me with my money , and every week she gives me some so I can buy plants and stuff for my room .
4 Marie helps me off with my coat and holds it while I slip the jacket on .
5 Its speed helps it survive to have children ; and therefore more copies of all its genes , including the gene for fast running , are passed on .
6 The superb setting of the Playa del Sol Beach Club helps you to switch off the moment you arrive .
7 If this innocent practice helps you relax and to cope better with your pregnancy , I reckon you should just lie back and enjoy it .
8 Rallying helps me forget about the possibility of losing the appeal .
9 Sonja helps me look after Marie , but mostly it 's me , cos Sonja 's pretty busy in the kitchen .
10 ‘ Darling , ’ said Elinor , ‘ shall Maisie stay with Mummy and do her cello practice while Mummy helps her ? ’
11 All the same , Patrick O'Brian 's skill in stitching what is , to him , historical fact into a unified fabric helps us to forget the often tiresome contrivances of historical fiction .
12 Oh light helps you concentrate does it ?
13 Further , Spenser helps us to discern cultural issues which Elizabethan institutions prevented being openly represented , notably the uneasiness generated by a woman ruling within a patriarchal culture .
14 Nigel Dennis helps her out after the photographic session .
15 Anxiety helps it to survive .
16 Mean Malcolm whistles at him , an old lady helps him over the road , teacher expects his writing to be tidy and he has to read the part of the spineless Rapunzel .
17 If musical politics now involves a constantly shifting ‘ war of position ’ , Adorno helps us to understand the enemy , but it is Benjamin who is more able to offer the tools to carry on the struggle .
18 If the death of our parents helps us to think about death in a constructive way and to prepare for our own , the experience is neither negative nor morbid but of positive value and importance .
19 I mean one in seven of our bookings now are long haul holidays , and a large percentage of those will be going to America , and again the exchange rate from the pound to the dollar helps us there .
20 Again , an understanding of biologically and psychologically based emotions helps us understand such social movements , many of which seem irrational and beyond explanation .
21 Er it needs skilled coordination and rhythm to help build the , keep the action going , developing stamina helps us to cope with work and leisure without undue tiredness .
22 Personal reflection helps me discover my whereabouts and articulating this with another encourages me on .
23 Its hard wood helps it resist cold winters , and its thick-skinned grapes are almost impervious to rain , disease and insects .
24 This passage helps us to understand the dilemma Poulantzas is trying to solve .
25 Placing one under your pillow helps you to sleep .
26 Archaeology helps us to understand the past , and this understanding helps a great deal in the understanding of society today and the development of society in the future .
27 The annual exercise of producing a Corporate Plan helps us to stand back from our regular activities and review what our customers — including the Secretary of State for Scotland — expect from us , and to refocus our efforts on the main objectives and priorities .
28 John Alexander helps you set your eyes on the right
29 A tuft of hair on the front of the body helps them to check that their motion through the air is straight , but their primary navigational guidance comes from huge mosaic eyes on either side of the head , which provide superbly accurate and detailed vision .
30 This device helps us do just that .
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