Example sentences of "[noun] pointed out " in BNC.

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1 Marie pointed out .
2 When the CNAA consulted its related institutions and others about the future guidelines for the DipHE many of the polytechnics pointed out that the emphasis on an ‘ interlock ’ between the Diploma and degree programmes prevented the Diploma from being seen as an award in its own right , and devalued it : it appeared to be a failed degree .
3 Ackner , L. J. in the more recent case of A. Lambert Flat Management Ltd. v Lomas pointed out the need for the defendant to have encountered some ‘ special difficulty ’ preventing compliance with the nuisance order , such as illness , or non-receipt of the notice .
4 However , as Captain Robert Cunningham pointed out , as watchman Main was actually paid his £15 , while in his promoted post he had not been appointed to any port and held an appointment as tidesman at large , which meant that he was only paid when he was actually employed , and Haldane interest with the commissioners would make his tours of duty few and far between unless he experienced a timely political conversion .
5 As the candidate , Captain Robert Cunningham pointed out to Lord Milton , John Main 's fate made others hesitate .
6 Apollinaire pointed out that Boccioni 's best works were those in which he came nearest to recent works by Picasso which he had seen in Paris .
7 Lucy pointed out rapidly , ‘ It 's not where a relationship has come from — it 's where it 's going that matters .
8 ‘ No , I 'm afraid I ca n't — and I 'm also afraid that you might have to face up to the fact that Silas has n't got private talks in mind , ’ Lucy pointed out gently .
9 Organized labour pointed out the obvious possible parallels between fascism in Britain and its German and Italian counterparts .
10 Apparently a lot of people were outraged , and the switchboard jammed , but as one critic pointed out , it would have been more extraordinary if he had behaved like a bank manager .
11 Lucifer pointed out to Eve the forbidden apple on the flat tree painted on to the back panel of the cart .
12 However , Patinkin pointed out that , during a Keynesian recession , underutilized capacity is typically observed side by side with unemployed labour : capacity utilization will fall and unemployment will rise as aggregate demand falls .
13 One would have thought that the Great Depression years in the United States had provided a suitable testing ground for the efficacy of the real-balance effect , but , as Patinkin pointed out at an early stage in the development of the neoclassical synthesis , a large increase in real balances appeared to be accompanied by a large fall in output .
14 As much as possible of the message should be contained in the medium : as Marshall McLuhan pointed out , the ability of advertising to convey a message and influence people is due to success in achieving this .
15 Michael Dolley and Jack Bennett were severely critical ; Fred Heatley and Billy McMillen were doubtful about the emphasis given to the trade-union movement — McMillen pointed out the vast difference between trade unions in the north and in the south .
16 Critics from within the transport industry pointed out , however , that while BR remained as the track and service authority , there was no guarantee that existing freight depots would remain open .
17 CW pointed out that Library staff were often not made aware of the status of people using the Library , and wished to codify the access , loan , inter-library loan , and other facilities which are appropriate .
18 Seldes pointed out that no encouragement had been given ‘ to the movie which dealt honestly with life , which created tragedy , which allowed itself a grim and unhappy ending ’ .
19 Mr Adams pointed out that the profits of Ford of Britain had risen for the third year running to a record £673m and he calculated a further increase to £710m was likely this year .
20 That " No provision for the economic rehabilitation of Europe , " appeared was a profound weakness J. M. Keynes pointed out in The Economic Consequences of the Peace ( 1919 ) .
21 As Keynes pointed out , the Treasury 's opposition to planning for post-war full employment was a lost cause , because when post-war plans came under the political spotlight the Labour members of the government would undoubtedly press for an expansionist policy .
22 ( Afterwards Andy Roberts pointed out that the only ‘ alien implant ’ so far discovered turned out to be a ball bearing that had got lodged up a child 's nose . )
23 So they started rehearsing again — naturalistic in the midst of a stylistic set which , as Ken pointed out , ‘ contradicted everything that we were doing ’ .
24 Von Schirach pointed out that ‘ this unlimited , almost religious veneration , to which I contributed as did Goebbels , Göring , Hess , Ley , and countless others , strengthened in Hitler himself the belief that he was in league with Providence ’ .
25 For the doves , Woodcock pointed out that such behaviour was by no means exclusive to the Pakistanis .
26 But , as Freud pointed out , things are taboo precisely because they are exciting , otherwise they need not be prohibited . ’
27 The following paragraphs pointed out that in unlimited competitions , although successful competitors can reasonably expect to be employed , the Government can not bind itself to employ them , but in this case they should be employed on the new Foreign Office .
28 The inspector took the file and glanced at the entry pointed out by Zen 's broad flat finger .
29 ‘ It could be a red herring , ’ Manville pointed out .
30 ‘ It 's not going to be easy getting clearance , ’ Manville pointed out .
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