Example sentences of "[noun] growing up " in BNC.

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1 Erica De'Ath , Teenagers Growing up in a Stepfamily
2 There are easy comparisons : both have kids growing up in the same neighbourhood .
3 But you know how it is , it 's family ties and kids growing up and then they grow up and have families of their own , then you get tied to the ch grandchildren or what have you .
4 I see not the slightest prospect with the scale of introduction of these alien wedges into the population of our cities , of a community attitude growing up in the future .
5 For an Asian child growing up in Britain there is a choice .
6 Thought of that child growing up , loved and safe .
7 I remember as a child growing up in Gourock almost living on ships like the Waverley , Duchess of Hamilton , Jeannie Deans , Saint Columba .
8 Within my own practice , I have never met a white child who says he or she is not white ; neither have I met a black child growing up in a black family saying that he or she is not black .
9 Let us consider the poverty of understanding which a child growing up in a religiously deprived background might have of one of the most evocative concepts in religious language , that of " heaven " .
10 ‘ I owe my mistress everything , and I am very sad because she is old and will not live to see my child growing up . ’
11 Even as a child growing up in the Fifties , she and her sister , Marlene , preferred to spend their sixpence pocket money on animal welfare classes run by a local RSPCA inspector rather than go to the cinema .
12 BLUE TOO : The attitudes and aspirations of a boy growing up in modern Britain are explored using ‘ Little Black Sambo ’ .
13 As a boy growing up in New York , he recalls his father doing whatever he could to keep food in the ten hungry mouths , including buying up condoms and sunglasses wholesale and selling them to shopkeepers .
14 As a boy growing up in Orange County , California , Steve Martin 's life of showbusiness began with Disneyland .
15 Michael Holly was an unremarkable boy growing up in the suburbs of south-west London .
16 But like , when you were a young boy growing up would the kelp workers could they make as much money .
17 She was a young and sensitive girl growing up , and she found things too much for her . ’
18 Now , it 's not clear to me at the moment that that is going to be the direction , say , of the Roman Catholic Church , because we seem to have a much more conservative Pope and there are conservative movements growing up in all the churches , you 've only got to look at Reagan 's America and the way you find counterparts to that kind of religious conservatism in all the European countries .
19 It is good to see Chester growing up in my image .
20 ‘ Because if you did , you 'd know as well as I that any youngsters growing up in that sort of background learn from a relatively early age all the joys of hotel life — like being called upon to wash sinkloads of dishes when the dishwasher packs up — or to change dozens of beds when the chambermaid calls in sick .
21 If anyone should object , the film-makers can always retort that the idea of Peter Pan growing up came originally from the six-year-old son of one of the scriptwriters .
22 If anyone should object , the film-makers can always retort that the idea of Peter Pan growing up came originally from the six-year-old son of one of the scriptwriters .
23 Through the wide-open window floated the lightest of breezes , tangy with the scent of wild herbs growing up on the rugged hills behind the town .
24 Chen Kaige 's ‘ Farewell to my Concubine ’ , the other joint winner of the Golden Palm , finds its climax in great demonstration scenes , but deals mainly with two artists growing up within the Peking Opera .
25 There was wild thyme growing up here too , and as she lay back for a few blissful moments ' rest its delicate perfume assailed Robbie 's nostrils — another sensory memory to be stored away , she thought wistfully .
26 At this point in the book , we feel a friction growing up between Piggy and the leaders because having established democracy using the shell , the leaders then destroy it again , denying Piggy a chance to speak .
27 He wrote love-letters for his less literate friends , as did William Lovett growing up in a fishing village at the other end of England .
28 The all-important top soil quickly disappears , and leaches into the rivers , making the water muddy brown and scuppering any chance of a new forest growing up .
29 Danny Kelly made ‘ Once More ’ single of the week in NME and noted that The Wedding Present were : ‘ A band growing up and bristling with confidence … they have let loose with a second exhilarating little peach of punky powerpop . ’
30 I was a teenager in the last war growing up .
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