Example sentences of "[noun] give [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Dictionary look-up methods give impressive error correction but require much greater storage and computation .
2 These methods give functional approaches an affinity with the selective approach to assessment that will be considered later .
3 It may be thought disturbing that the two methods give different answers ; however , the real argument against both is clearer when they are applied in a situation where the purchases are of different commodities , e.g. coal ( in tons ) , electricity ( in kilowatt hours ) , matches ( in boxes of 50 ) .
4 A placebo controlled trial does not present this problem because subjects give informed consent , but regularly in case-control studies subjects are not told the true reason for the study for fear that the study will be biased .
5 While it recognises that the Catholic community has a particular vision of Religious Education ( related to a wider catechesis and formation in faith ) the Commission urges that Religious Education teachers in Catholic Schools give due consideration to the benefits in terms of organisation , teaching methods , assessment and motivation to learn which are offered in the Religious and Moral Education Short Courses .
6 Manufacturers give useful ( or arguably useless ! ) statistics regarding the holes a cordless drill is capable of drilling , but no performance figures relating to the function of other cordless tools is available .
7 Freezing sprays give immediate relief and help reduce swelling .
8 Disc and drum brakes give good stopping power considering the car weighs over 2600lb at the kerb .
9 The books give practical advice to sufferers from any of various physical , social and psychological problems , from severe disablement to shyness .
10 The books give frequent suggestions for taking the topics further and most of the titles contain glossaries of the key concepts in the topics covered .
11 Several books give general surveys of coinage : see , for example , M. Price , ( ed . )
12 Also , he has n't actually needed the extra drive yet since the big tyres and 7-tonne weight give good grip from the two driving wheels .
13 Most sunscreens give high protection against UVB sun rays ( primarily responsible for burning ) , but not all brands provide high UVA screening as well ( now known to cause skin sagging and wrinkles ) .
14 In my ‘ cool ’ area blue columbines give early flower , followed by a succession of perennials until autumn monkshood heralds the late show .
15 When unc behave in this way , conjugate complex eigenvalues must be suspected ; and then three consecutive columns must be periodically tested to see whether various pairs of homologous elements give consistent values for
16 If , starting say at c5 , we test to see if pairs of homologous elements give consistent values for
17 This luxurious hotel is rated amongst the top hotels in Austria , 450 years ago the building was a monastery , and the original parts of the structure with vaulted ceilings give added atmosphere to the Brau Keller ( where a Tyrolean band plays nightly ) .
18 The lie of every feather is indicated , and while the plates give great aesthetic pleasure , their object was to help identify birds hit by a collector .
19 Since the 1950s the growth in power of computers has helped scientists like Pople give accurate pictures and make telling predictions about how simple molecules and their atoms stay together .
20 Weekend hostesses organise special tours and entertainments , welcome drinks , tee shirts and children 's entertainment , and special vouchers give cheap entrance to local attractions such as safari parks or stately homes .
21 There are lots of fluids out there , they are there for the embalmer to increase his expertise and to help him make his cases better , the chemical companies give technical support and do a lot of research into their products .
22 Another point worth remembering is that many insurance companies give substantial discounts to mature drivers .
23 So many poison-producing amphibians give vivid and unmistakable warnings that they have such defences at their disposal .
24 in this issue give recent examples ) .
25 Headlines scream of algal blooms which destroy fish farms in Norway , and radio broadcasts give official warnings not to eat shellfish from some areas of the British coasts .
26 Indeed , as the country 's stalwart burghers give lusty tongue to the national anthem , Apres des siecles d'esclavage — ‘ After centuries of slavery ’ — there might be some cynics who would be tempted to reflect that under the present system they are not an awful lot better off .
27 In fact , the two trials that directly compared intravenous heparin with no heparin as adjunctive therapy to thrombolysis in the absence of aspirin give contradictory results .
28 The studded outersole , which is extended under the arch , the thermoplastic heel counter and the hytril straps at the rearfoot give good stability .
29 While other groups give outside contracts for T-shirts , badges and posters , The Wedding Present do it themselves .
30 All of these reactions give high yields and are often quantitative .
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