Example sentences of "[noun] looked [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 Cunningham looked up from his desk with a frown of irritation .
2 Chant looked round at his employer , and in faintly admonishing tones said :
3 Hennessy looked up from replacing his pen in his jacket pocket , and called out a warning .
4 Hennessy looked down at the slip of paper that he was being offered .
5 Now in his eightieth year , Thesiger looked back on a life travelling in the Sudan , Arabia , Afghanistan , Morocco , East Africa and ‘ Eth …
6 A tall man in the police boat looked up , saw Mahmoud and waved excitedly .
7 A picture of Nicolae Ceauşescu looked down over these proceedings , which were graced by the presence of the Nobel Prize winner Dorothy Hodgkin , Mrs Thatcher 's former chemistry tutor at Oxford ( though she had no sympathy for ‘ that woman ’ ) who had contributed an introduction to an English translation of one of Elena 's works .
8 Ruthven looked up at the birds wheeling and twisting against the blue sky .
9 Tristram looked up .
10 Last night , as amazed East Berliners looked on , East German soldiers and building workers began knocking down sections of the Wall .
11 The combined P7s of two Belfast primary schools looked on , their faces agog with the possibility of writing a symphony before extra time .
12 Then David looked up and , as though the desperate misery in his eyes had called out to her , Julia went and knelt on the hard , icy floor at his feet , reaching up with both hands .
13 David looked up then and Julia nodded her head in the direction of the drawing room , meaning ( as she knew David would understand ) that she wondered whether she should leave them alone .
14 David looked down at her as she lay against the white pillows , pale and thinner than ever , and thought how much easier it would be to keep himself in check if her husband treated her with the gentleness she deserved .
15 Toby looked down and grimaced .
16 A ladder was lowered , and Mrs Prynn looked down .
17 The lawyer looked out the window .
18 Delighted shoppers looked on as the dancers weaved their way past Darlington Dolphin Centre .
19 Dot looked down and saw only the tussocky grass and a flat square stone .
20 Ajayi looked up at the door to the winding-stair expecting to see an attendant , but the voice had come from behind her , and she could see Quiss 's face starting to turn red , his eyes widening , the lines around them spreading out further .
21 Marie looked back at Simon .
22 Marie looked down at Simon .
23 The superintendent looked up at the SOCO , posing the question like a doctor checking the symptoms of a sickly patient .
24 Corbett looked around : near the foot of the grille was a tub packed with juicy red chunks of meat .
25 Corbett looked around .
26 Corbett looked around .
27 Corbett looked around .
28 Corbett looked over his shoulder .
29 Corbett looked up and tried to rise , the skulls in the cross-beam of the house opened their mouths and bellowed with laughter .
30 Corbett looked up .
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