Example sentences of "[noun] already made " in BNC.

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2 Their horses were saddled and waiting , their farewells to the prior and brothers already made , and Hugh just reaching for his bridle , when Nicol came trudging sturdily in at the gatehouse , soiled and bruised and hoisting himself along on a staff he had cut for himself in the forest .
3 He went out to Nigeria in 1900 with his mind already made up to employ such a system , once he had conquered the country .
4 There is , of course , very extensive provision already made in the field of in-service education for language teachers , ranging from award-bearing year-long courses in universities to the relatively informal meetings of teacher groups on a self-help basis .
5 With doorstep sales , the buyer had a right to cancel an HP or credit sale contract , recovering any payment already made , within four days of receiving a second copy of the agreement .
6 We need to follow up the contacts already made when we invited comment on the idea of a course ( in any case , I promised to let them know what happened ) .
7 He trusted that they would be enabled to further the progress already made in rebuilding the domestic stability and economic strength of the United Kingdom and in weaving still more closely the threads which bound together the countries of the Commonwealth or , as he still preferred to call it , the Empire .
8 We praise God for the progress already made and ask for your prayers and support as we seek to make this project a reality .
9 If the citizens of Sheffield needed to go to Walsall , I am sure that they would do so , but they need look only to their own trust to see the remarkable progress already made .
10 It is believed that much expense may be saved by taking advantage of areas , kitchens and coal-holes already made , through which the trains may run without much inconvenience to the owners … ’
11 I do not pretend that we have yet accomplished our ambitions , but through the improvements already made , I am confident that we have established a sound platform on which ICI and Zeneca will be able to build further improvement .
12 The chief innovation is allowing the third umpire to make the first move in decision-making , which the TCCB admits could lead to : ‘ Suspension of a decision already made ’ .
13 Mr Lang — who is coming into line with a decision already made by the Department of the Environment , for England and Wales — said that consultation on the proposed registers had shown they would not achieve their environmental objectives .
14 A paper tabled on June 26-29 by the group 's chairman , George Maciel , as a basis for negotiating represented a synthesis of proposals already made by participants .
15 But because exploration costs represent barely a fifth the total North Sea spending of about £10 billion , this may not be considered too heavy a price to pay for an attempt to switch activity towards developing some of the finds already made or maximising the returns from fields already in production .
16 It might be even better to write the clause as : If the Buyer fails to pay for any delivery in accordance with the terms of this contract , the Seller may withhold further deliveries until the Buyer pays for the deliveries already made .
17 Usually hypotheses seek to refine theory , since the generalizations already made may be relatively low-level , crude ones , and the new hypothesis seeks to produce a more sophisticated statement of relationship .
18 With a burgeoning caseload , too few judges , and increasing delays the courts may be tempted to block the further development of the law and to cut back on the advances already made .
19 It was no accident , therefore , that Bukharin went on to point out the real advances already made by the Soviet economy , particularly in industry , during the preceding period .
20 The difference in meaning between the two coincides therefore with the distinction already made between to infinitives evoking their event as a " subsequent potentiality " and those evoking it as a " subsequent actualization " .
21 The present generation , however , still has to finance the promises already made .
22 I also speak with a , a while ago now , but a certain amount of experience in Northumberland working for the county council in bringing development into Cramlington new town , so I am aware of the er the merits of er getting your elephants by having a cage already made .
23 The personal-impersonal nature of Gandhi 's descriptions of God is clearly illustrated here but the point already made earlier can be reiterated , namely , that it is not important to him whether God is conceived of in personal or impersonal terms since neither superiority nor inferiority of expression is implied in either case .
24 This feature emphasises the point already made , namely , that the subsection ( 2 ) remedy is directed to the reversal of specific transactions and , unlike the subsections ( 3 ) to ( 7 ) remedies , does not contemplate orders made for the benefit of investors as a class .
25 After 1978 , however , the influence of Althusser declined rapidly after a series of books by two Marxist sociologists , Barry Hindess and Paul Hirst , who developed and extended the implications of those critiques already made in France .
26 ( c ) Safety regulations Under s11 of CPA 1987 , the Secretary of State has comprehensive powers to issue regulations covering all aspects of product safety but subsuming the regulations already made under the CPA 1961 and Consumer Safety Act 1978 .
27 Improvements could also be made to the management structure , with the introduction of more commercially-minded managers with clear financial objectives , in addition to the fiercely resisted management changes already made in the NHS .
28 This serves as an explanation of changes already made and as a warning of those still to come .
29 The remedy may not be to delay criminal law teaching to a later stage in curricula , because the observations already made might well apply to whatever introductory course in substantive law one selects .
30 In addition to , if it is made a condition of any settlement made by the Seller , or judgment awarded against the Purchaser , pursuant to Condition 10.1 , the Purchaser shall return or destroy , as applicable , all infringing goods still under its control subject to a refund by the Seller of any payment for such goods already made [ less a reasonable allowance for depreciation of the goods by reason of their use ( if any ) by the Purchaser prior to their return or destruction as aforesaid ] .
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