Example sentences of "[noun] workers ' " in BNC.

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1 Before the war , he had been one of the most prominent members of the Dock workers ' Guild , acting as principal deputy to their father , the Chairman , but after he was disabled and discharged from the army , he was forced to take other work , helping Florrie to run their Aunt Emily 's corner grocery shop .
2 Car workers ' unions are today expected to demand a wage rise of at least 10 per cent for the Ford motor company 's 31,000 hourly paid workers , when negotiations open in London .
3 Yet earlier in the article he mentions that car workers ' wages have risen from 40 per cent to 69 per cent of German workers ' wages .
4 They 're gambling with car workers ' jobs . ’
5 AN AMBULANCE workers ' union leader yesterday accused Kenneth Clarke , the Secretary of State for Health , of intransigence , as union officials prepared for today 's meeting at Acas .
6 THE first split in the Government 's ranks over the ambulance workers dispute appeared last night when it was disclosed that Mr David Trippier , the Environment Minister , had written to the Health Secretary saying he could see the logic in the ambulance workers ' case .
7 If nurses ' jobs are given a certain value , then ambulance workers ' and hospital porters ' wages may be calculated by comparing their contribution with that of the nurses .
8 Ambulance workers ' dispute
9 Clarke refused to concede an automatic pay system for the future , or linkage of ambulance workers ' pay with that for other rescue services .
10 Well , with the greatest respect , the ambulance workers ' argument in the question of a pay review er is a different argument totally .
11 Jay Garner , head of the coalition forces , met with representatives of the ( Turkish ) Kurdistan Workers ' Party ( PKK ) .
12 In January 1991 Özal antagonized conservative nationalist currents within the ANAP by easing restrictions on the use of the Kurdish language , hoping thereby to improve Turkey 's minority rights record and to undercut support for the Kurdistan Workers ' Party ( PKK ) , which since 1984 had been waging a violent campaign in support of separatist demands .
13 The funerals of members of the Kurdistan Workers ' Party ( PKK ) guerrilla movement had been the scene of demonstrations and clashes with troops .
14 The Kurdistan Workers ' Party ( PKK ) guerrilla movement was said to have claimed responsibility .
15 Interior Minister Ismet Sezgin said on June 15 that 6,796 members of the Kurdistan Workers ' Party ( PKK ) had been " captured alive " in the previous seven months .
16 On Sept. 22 the Lebanese army peacefully took control of the main training base in the Bekaa valley for Kurdistan Workers ' Party ( PKK ) guerrillas who were fighting for autonomy from Turkey .
17 At any rate , it would be an exaggeration to speak of a collapse of militancy , or to infer that over the long term workers ' resistance can not be maintained .
18 At the level of the political organization of the state by fostering workers ' democracy and direct participation by the masses in the running of the state .
19 Strikes included one at Ford ( which cost 117,000 vehicles ) , the bakery workers ' strike ( which involved violent picketing ) , strikes at British Leyland , Vauxhall , Rolls Royce , and the southern region of British Rail .
20 In fact , little is known about drought 's most likely victims , who often live beyond the reach of the aid workers ' vehicles .
21 Without warning , Weissman and his audience found themselves separated by no more than a cardboard partition from a noisy meeting of a local school maintenance workers ' union , voting not to end its strike .
22 Because of the early onset of modern economic development in these two countries workers ' experience with industrial capitalism was slower and the transition period longer than was the case in most of Northern and Central Europe ( Kassalow , 1982 ) .
23 This is the cotton workers ' equivalent of Repetitive Stress Syndrome .
24 LABOUR 'S policy review was a symbol of the party renewing itself and becoming again a force for change , Tom Sawyer , deputy general secretary of Nupe , the public sector workers ' union , said at the start of four days of debate on the review reports .
25 Public sector workers ' pay will be frozen in the Autumn Statement on Thursday .
26 One union leader estimated last night that the measure would take more than £2 billion out of public sector workers ' pockets , would worsen the recession and cost even more jobs .
27 Attention is focused on the bar workers ' previous employment experience , their reasons for choosing bar work , what they identify as positive and negative features of their work and how the job relates , where relevant , to their family commitments and leisure interests .
28 Well , a few weeks ago , on your behalf , I attended the National Policy Forum of the Labour Party and we made it quite plain that the Labour government in its manifesto will have full employment rights for all from day one , so no one can abuse workers ' rights .
29 His first fast unto death occurred in 1918 , in support of the Ahmedabad textile workers ' strike , and was employed against the mill-owning family , who were devoted to him .
30 Connie September , treasurer of the South African Clothing and Textile Workers ' Union , on the demands of the Women 's League .
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