Example sentences of "[noun] rate be " in BNC.

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1 Membership renewal rate is a classic indicator of success — particularly so if fees are charged .
2 The purchaser will only be willing to pay the price originally agreed if the forecast renewal rate is achieved .
3 Therefore a negotiated sum is retained out of the purchase price and some or all will be released to the purchaser once the actual renewal rate is known .
4 In order to highlight the way in which the rise in wealth and the fall in savings have moved together , the axis showing the savings ratio is inverted : a lower savings rate is represented by a rise in the line on the graph .
5 Interest rates have halved in the past 10 years to 5.75% , because Singapore 's savings rate is so high that the banks are flush with funds .
6 Comparing steady states , a high savings rate is associated with low interest rates and low rates of resource depletion , and hence with higher growth rates than economies with lower savings rates ( Stiglitz , 1974c ) .
7 Where the savings rate is high , a large proportion of windfall gains is passed on to subsequent generations whose expected gains are lower .
8 The present deforestation rate is 1,200,000 hectares a year , and rising .
9 Mr Whittaker is keen to emphasize that the rising crime rate is not really a racial affair .
10 The crime rate is higher in urban areas than it is in rural areas , and the larger the urban area the greater the crime rate is .
11 The crime rate is higher in urban areas than it is in rural areas , and the larger the urban area the greater the crime rate is .
12 Less dramatically , but of no less threat to those concerned , the publication of even so innocuous a list as the Electoral Register can , by disclosing the addresses of those who live alone , present a distinct danger in areas where the crime rate is high .
13 Orlando 's crime rate is not excessive when compared to cities like New York , Washington and New Orleans where British tourist Julie Stott from Manchester was shot dead last April while strolling through the ‘ safe ’ streets of the French Quarter .
14 It is no use the Home Secretary saying that the high crime rate is due to other factors .
15 Albert Pacey will be leaving the county at a time when there are two unsolved murders , the crime rate is soaring and there 's a staffing crisis .
16 In one county , the crime rate is up thirty percent in a year .
17 Our crime rate is one of the lowest in the country .
18 If you asked Bradley , he says he does n't know what the crime rate is at the moment , which seems a little politically unsound for a mayor .
19 Increases in the 1990 crime rate were to be even worse .
20 The crime rate was reported on July 6 , 1990 , to have risen by 11.9 per cent over the previous year , and on Oct. 25 , 1991 , to have risen by 10.9 per cent in the first nine months of 1991 over the same period in 1990 .
21 Their crime rate was far lower than that of any other community .
22 The overall completion rate is very high .
23 The truancy rate was high .
24 His overtime rate is double time for Saturday and all weekday time over 8 hours and treble time for Sunday working .
25 The professor said that the depletion rate was currently believed to be 13 parts per million per year , but that accurate measurement was urgently needed .
26 The principal limitation to intravenous therapy with insulin is the availability of skilled and diligent nursing staff to ensure that the apparatus is correctly set up , the infusion rate is as instructed and the insulin is infused into the patient .
27 The infusion rate is titrated with the patient 's response and can be altered by the nursing staff within the parameters of the prescription .
28 This infusion rate was needed to maintain a constant baseline pressure within the open biliary system .
29 Acid and pepsin outputs for each gastrin releasing peptide infusion rate were calculated by taking the mean of the second and third 15 minute collections .
30 The peak acid secretion rate was unchanged from 37 ( 16–59 ) to 37 ( 21–59 ) mM H + /h .
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