Example sentences of "[noun] five percent " in BNC.

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1 So I really , my , my , my advice is not to aim for a hundred percent efficiency but always to programme five percent optimistically .
2 Er it is proposed that the Water Company er be formed with the express intention of capturing eight point five percent of the United Kingdom bottled water market .
3 A mean of two percent of patients were returned to theatre across the northern region after T U R P and this ranged from zero to seven point five percent .
4 You can get a seven year fix with Barclays , at about eight point five percent .
5 In addition to the attacks on jobs , public sector workers , many of them who are poorly paid , part-time , many of them women workers now face an effective cut as the government attempts to restrict pay increases this year to less than one point five percent .
6 Recent data for example , from two hospitals in India , where amniocentesis was used to diagnose the sex of the foetus before birth , showed that ninety five point five percent of all female foetuses were aborted , but not a single male was aborted even though the amniocentesis showed that some of the males were genetically defective .
7 In other words , Indian parents who could afford amniocentesis , the rich ones , wanted sons and they certainly did n't want daughters , because they aborted ninety five point five percent of the daughters but none of the sons , even when the sons were genetically defective .
8 And we 've been told that we 'll only get between a nought and one point five percent increase at the most .
9 And it amounts to , in effect a twelve point five percent decrease in housing provision .
10 I 'd just make the simple point that a sudden twelve point five percent reduction , I referred to it this morning , er in in building , is not progressively and long term , it 's a sudden change .
11 The other point I would make is the further that the new settlement is from York itself , then the greater would be the dependency upon the motor car , this has been born out by the paper that has been submitted by York City Council in table one where one can see that within the urban area within the O R R the travel to work by car is forty six point four percent , travel to work in the Greater York area at the moment is sixty seven point five percent , further than that I do believe it would be even greater .
12 On fine china erm , although profits were down , Royal Doulton did manage a margin of eight point five percent and here again improved the cash flow on nineteen ninety .
13 If I can explain inflation which included in the budget at this stage is inflation between November ninety two and November ninety three , so inflation from today if you like er or last November , through to the end of the year , that is provided for in the central contingency of the authority and as pay awards are awarded the money we drawn down from that into the planning committee so the amount there would one point five percent of pay and four point two percent from general commission , that 's reflecting inflation that 's already happening and is up last year 's budget to the position today if you like so one point five percent of pay was the A P T C award for July ninety two , sorry ninety three and we 're not anticipating here what the pay award will be for the coming year , that is dealt with centrally .
14 Forty six point five percent of the children within the school come from Council rented housing , well above the thirty eight percent criterion for the school to receive social disadvantage allowance .
15 First the figures , furniture retailing continues to be highly competitive so I am pleased to report that turnover for the twenty eight weeks was through to the twenty million five point five percent better than the same period in the previous year .
16 Erm , now I can produce some variants on the next few figures , they , this is the one in the third paragraph which says that two thousand eight hundred , er took two eight nine one two , er , hours would be needed this year , that is working on the commissions erm current estimate of six percent of complaints going to stage two , erm , the reality in York is that seven point five percent are going to stage two , and if one took account of that reality , and I 'm bound to say that in in estimating terms we do n't , but if one did take in reality that would push that figure for this year up to thirty thousand four hundred and forty nine .
17 The er the only figure that I I can find for commuting erm supplied by the County Council is in er table five of N Y six I think it is , N Y six , where the County Council give er at the bottom of that erm on the bottom line of that table , a figure for Richmondshire of er three point five percent .
18 National Insurance contributions have risen from six point five percent to nine percent and child benefit cuts have cost a family with two children a hundred and fifty four pounds .
19 There was an assumption that inflation would be higher than it was and that was cut back to one point five percent , which I think that I would actually support was a sensible way forward .
20 Now , if we had actually received a one point five percent increase in the business rates , we could have cut the council tax
21 Erm , we have , as you would have seen , and has already been noted , erm , balances considerably higher than the seven million we 've previously set , at the , at the moment , and these will erm , be able to make provision if necessary , for police pay should happen to be higher than er , we are told than , than the one point five percent , which has something that people have raised with me , and erm , have said , that oh of course you lose grants if you do n't decide it now , but that is not in fact the case .
22 Council have provided us with a table which shows that the present value of one pound per annum , payable for the next twenty five years , discounted at four point five percent is fourteen point eight two eight two one pounds , unquote .
23 It is further agreed that the approach adopted by the court of appeal in the case of and incorporate of nineteen eighty nine , one queens bench page eight hundred and seventy eight , is that which I should adopt , er the person which seeks to persuade me that the percentage which I should apply should be four point five percent rather than the two percent used in that case by the court of appeal , he argues partly on the basis of er , evidence by Mr an architect who er , with the greatest respect to him , whilst I feel quite sure his architectural abilities are of the highest quality , I feel that as an economist he is perhaps er not more reliable than any other economist , er but er , Mr argues that er , recent falls in house prices show that houses are not the risk free inflation proof investments which the court of appeal assumed when and was decided .
24 The central statistical office er show regional G T P figures for Cornwall in nineteen ninety one that put Cornwall so badly off er that our G D P is in fact just er seventy three percent of the national average , whilst Devon 's figures are eighty seven percent and I might add in terms of the different progress of the two , in nineteen eighty nine Cornwall 's G D P was seventy five point six percent so it 's actually fallen back whereas Plymouth 's was eighty five point five percent and you 've actually seen it grow .
25 That , that is the the questions which we 've raised councillor over the contingency plan and also the three point five percent as opposed to .
26 The second point on the three point five percent turnover .
27 We got advice from the officers that three point five percent might be achieved and therefore we we acted on that advice in making the amendments which we did .
28 Er the pay eight point nought five percent so that 's a total contribution of fourteen point O five percent to the er scheme .
29 So in fact five percent of our electricity comes from French nuclear power stations , in fact at the present time .
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