Example sentences of "[noun] had left " in BNC.

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1 Apart from Selkirk , they were alone , for Corbett had left Ranulf and the escort to relax and refresh themselves .
2 Time had gone quickly , and she had n't even noticed when Dr Rafaelo had left .
3 Jinkwa had left the command vehicle under the control of the Environments Officer and ventured forth in a scouting party with two of his troopers .
4 Dr Neil had left the kitchen , to finish his toilet , presumably .
5 The stroke had left Marriage hunched and rigid ; he turned his head slowly and his smile had become a lopsided leer .
6 Everything about the odd relic suggested that Morthen had left it as a deliberate sign .
7 But the fighting had left the British and French armies even weaker .
8 And the tidal wave of emotion had left her drained for days .
9 Some from , a lot from the heavens , because it rained for a solid week after the excavator had left and erm from the springs , it 's a natural water-gathering area .
10 What 's worse is that before he died all the people who looked after the animals had left and got jobs with other circuses .
11 Innerd took over as Palace 's captain in 1906 after Ted Birnie had left us and he led us to several marvellous FA Cup triumphs , including the fabulous 1–0 Will at the home of his former club , and League champions , Newcastle United in January 1907 .
12 He promised that the resistance would not lay down its arms until the last Soviet soldier had left Afghanistan and that if a deal was made over their heads the guerrillas would continue fighting even if foreign help were withdrawn .
13 I was driving my car along an unlit street in Bristol , England : all of a sudden the two inner wheels of the car had left the road and I travelled for quite a few yards at an angle of 45 degrees , after which I landed with a large bump .
14 When the car had left the front door and they had promised to behave , Michael was sent to check on Mrs Murphy , up to her sleeves in the sink .
15 The small airstrip was well away from the house and even before they turned to land a car had left the property and was heading out to meet them .
16 Angie Bowie : ‘ By this time , David had left Ken Pitt and was with Tony DeFries .
17 She looked round her bedroom and saw that David had left his wristwatch on her bedside table ; the scent of the citrus aftershave he used still hung in the air and when finally , in despair , she turned and buried her head in the pillow , the bed beneath her was still warm with the imprint of his body .
18 ‘ But why did you let us all go on thinking that David had left you ? ’
19 The key was on top of the frame where the lazy agent had left it , another Yale on a big paper tag .
20 I was so relieved to see the fear had left him that I would not have minded had he asked me to get into bed with him .
21 She had all that to fill her heart with but at this moment all she could think of was that the stranger had left her side .
22 She believed the department had left itself extremely vulnerable in acting without any form of approval by the committee .
23 Budd Hopkins delivered what they wanted — and endless stream of stories about abductions , accompanied by sketches of the aliens and bizarre slides of the tiny wounds their probings had left on victims ' bodies .
24 Coffin turned over the papers and messages that Jean had left on his own desk .
25 But the chambermaid Miss Kenton had left in attendance stood up upon seeing me and began to shake my father 's shoulder .
26 She said he did n't have an enemy in the world and that his murder had left the whole family devastated .
27 Peter Heatherston , the Raith captain , quipped that the player-manager 's brace of goals had left the squad dreading the week ahead in training .
28 Above the nervous chatter that continued once the corporal had left , Charlie could hear the last post being played on a bugle from the castle battlements .
29 According to the Financial Times ( London ) , fighting between the rival supporters had left more than 1,000 dead in the Johannesburg area since August 1990 , and 3,000 dead in Natal province since mid-1987 .
30 So , a victory for Oxford United ; it came after a few of the supporters had left the ground , it came in injury time — Oxford United one , Portsmouth nil , reporting on the match , a very happy Nick Harris .
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