Example sentences of "[noun] that meant " in BNC.

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1 The unremitting pressure of their role in the politics and violence of Lebanon 's civil war had bonded them into a partnership that meant as much to him personally as professionally .
2 She raised her voice to the tone of command that meant , obey me or you will suffer for it .
3 When he spoke again , Bernice recognized the staccato growl that meant business .
4 Others were obscure , yet-to-come images that meant nothing to her .
5 There were several words that meant the same thing .
6 He pulled them both under the blanket , cradled her to him , crooned words that meant nothing in her ear , kissed new tears from her cheeks .
7 It began with muffled voices that meant nothing .
8 The Earls of Egremont and Ashburnham wisely ploughed much of the new profits back into estate improvement ; others , particularly Sir Godfrey Webster of Battle , spent it on a round of pleasure that meant disaster when the boom eventually ended .
9 The heavy thudding steps that meant her mother was getting up .
10 Inside the business school chimed the melody that meant the change of lessons .
11 Nine months ago Jill King from Longhope had a big problem … 500 angora goats … and a recession that meant no one wanted to buy their fleeces .
12 In Mr Hickman 's case that meant a pension of £20,408 a year .
13 In this instance that meant three emergency pumps .
14 Tony sat it out — in my tent I feel obliged to tell him — listening for the noise of a train , a noise that meant the wind was coming up the defile between him and the sea .
15 He was n't all that sorry to find an urgent message from Headquarters that meant leaving the glutinous pasta .
16 Our reforms have cut away the barriers that meant many breadwinners lost money if they went to work .
17 It 's much the same attitude that meant Darlington fans at Torquay last Saturday had to pay £6 to stand behind the goal , a quid more than the home crowd .
18 The manual is not only one of the most interesting documents to come out of the Sultanate , it is also one of the most precious keys we have to the concerns that meant most to the war-obsessed amirs of Tughluk Delhi .
19 Polyneuritis was clearly a word like morality that meant so many different things as to be absolutely meaningless .
20 For Stanzani that meant a compact engine and an all-composite chassis .
21 Around the captain 's head was the bland curtailed blue aura that meant a controlled openness to anything that might occur but though it was obvious , Jezrael did n't care about that , either .
22 The Italian dirty tricks department worked overtime as Galvano 's management tried to scream ‘ no contest ’ , claiming a head clash caused the badly cut left eye that meant their man could n't go on after the third round .
23 In those days that meant he was rarissima avis .
24 And in his opinion that meant sending it all the way to Sotheby 's whose rural saleroom in a stately home in Billingshurst , West Sussex , has made a speciality in recent years of sales of garden furniture , fittings and statuary .
25 Harriet made a grunting sound that meant she 'd given in under protest and Jess did n't wait for any other sign .
26 Back home , it was a sound that meant something .
27 Below , in the kitchen , William whined to go out , a gentle , quivering , undemanding sound that meant , nevertheless , a fairly urgent need .
28 Michael Winner , on whose original story Likely Lads TV writers Dick Clement and Ian La Frenais based their script , had discovered , while studying at Cambridge University , a legal loophole that meant that ‘ borrowing ’ bicycles from his college to get to the office of the student newspaper Varsity , which he edited , did not constitute theft , although he was gated and sent down for two weeks .
29 Kevin and his brother were putting back the whiskeys and talking about things that meant nothing to her .
30 Because our conscious memories are selective , because we remember stories that meant something to us , that spoke to us , your answer will reveal to you a great deal about the way you used stories when you were a child .
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