Example sentences of "[noun] will either " in BNC.

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1 In presenting the main commentary , remember that readers will either have the original table before them or a number of tabular extracts presented by you to clarify points of interest .
2 Because of this ( and assuming for simplicity that firms do not carry inventories ) they will demand only enough labour to produce the output they can sell , for any additional inputs of labour will either be idle or else will produce output which will remain unsold .
3 If people are working in groups , anyone who spends too long recording or drawing will either be hurried up by the others or excluded from the group 's progress .
4 They will be put under the strain of doing jobs for which they are unsuited and as a result will either leave after a short time , have the humiliation of being told they are unsuitable , or cause difficulties for other staff who have to rely on them or cooperate with them .
5 In the absence of a firm formula , the parties will either tie themselves to a fixed price for the duration of the agreement ( which is clearly usually undesirable ) or else have to provide an agreement with a shorter duration , but with an option of renewal if new prices can be agreed .
6 IF HISTORY is anything to go by , the legal action being brought in Britain by 3,000 patients against Wyeth ( a subsidiary of American Home Products ) and Switzerland 's Hoffmann-La Roche will either be dismissed or settled out of court for a pittance .
7 Such orbits will either be symmetric ( i.e. be their own image under the symmetry ) or will occur in symmetric pairs , each of which is taken to the other by the symmetry .
8 If these responsibilities be shirked , valuable and important work will either be held up for want of teachers or fall into the hands of those ill qualified to deal with it …
9 Left to the ‘ free market ’ , defence contractors will either try to sell more arms to the Middle East and the Third World — perpetuating a disastrous misallocation of resources and dangerous instability — or they will close factories and create unemployment .
10 Land er which is allocated for development through this plan will either remain in agriculture or er will be developed .
11 There is a need on the part of the school to ensure that this is not a hasty decision , that it is in the best interest of the child and that it will not be a decision that parents will either want to reverse or repeat when any problem or difficulty arises .
12 If the recovery fails to materialise , the deficit in 1993-94 could be even greater than the £50 billion forecast , and the Chancellor will either have to slash welfare spending in November or put taxes up even further , risking a vicious circle of rising taxes , depleted spending power and slower growth , or borrow more which inevitably will mean putting interest rates back up .
13 ‘ If we do n't eat soon , ’ said Tim , ‘ this ineffably delicious dish will either burn to a crisp or go cold , depending on how I decide to proceed .
14 If there is an important and difficult question of law , however , I do not anticipate that senior judges will either feel ‘ demeaned ’ or take umbrage at the possibility of the courts looking at the question again on fuller argument .
15 The outcome for such a team will either be failure to achieve the task , or the imposition of dominant leadership , or the formation of a sub-group .
16 I conclude that such carers will either be obtained from the crossroads organisation or something similar or from private advertisement but not from a nursing agency .
17 If Batty is missing , Wilkinson will either bring in David Rocastle or Eric Cantona , with Gary Speed moving into central midfield .
18 It does not cover the dismissal by the vendor prior to the sale for the reason that the purchaser will either not buy the business if it contains certain employees or alternatively will pay a lower price ( see Wheeler v Patel [ 1987 ] ICR 631 ) .
19 At the end of the calendar month when the time sheet may apply to two accounting periods , the accountant will either : ( a ) Allocate the total cost of the payroll to the calendar month in which the wages were paid .
20 Words such as privilege and poverty will either change their meaning or disappear from the vocabulary .
21 Such costs will either be absorbed on a pro rata basis into the cost of existing projects or charged to the overhead accounts .
22 Hearts will either be at Hermestone or Tynecastle .
23 Daimler will either be a monument to his original vision , or just another lame duck .
24 The court will either grant the request on written application or fix a date for hearing .
25 The reservations manager will either write or telephone near that date to verify the reservation , as a ‘ no show ’ means a loss of business to the hotel .
26 The Manager will either create the new user himself , or refer to another user with the privilege to ‘ create user ’ .
27 A tribunal will either re instate you or it will say they have to pay compensation .
28 In the 1990s the number of people of working age will either fall or grow more slowly than over the past two decades in all the big industrial economies , which should help to reduce dole queues .
29 If the last is the case then those profits will either be retained in the company and reinvested , or they will be passed on to the shareholders as increased dividends .
30 The builder 's surveyor will either check the information supplied by the sub-contractor or measure the work carried out during the payment period , usually weekly , but occasionally for longer periods of up to a month .
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