Example sentences of "[noun] have asked " in BNC.

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1 He said yesterday : ‘ Everywhere I 've gone , fans have asked me to do well against Roma , and some have just tried to touch me .
2 ‘ The Coleys have asked us back for drinks at Château Kitsch — that 's worth seeing anyway , ’ he said , ‘ but lots of potential patrons will be there and the Pony Club Committee , so it could be useful to Perdita .
3 And that video can be obtained from Tavistock Church , in Tavistock Place it costs twelve pound fifty , with one pound fifty postage erm , but I think that it has been recommended to us and a number of the provinces have asked for copies to be made available and then maybe there are some churches within our provence that might like to have that video so that they can draw the attention of their churches to the work of the Council for World Mission .
4 Now some of the schools have asked for this spa , this by the way is belongs to the school .
5 Some schools have asked for that to be kept for the sch er you know for them as well .
6 Quite a few readers have asked if such an item is available commercially and we are pleased to report that a unit is being pilot marketed by Coltronics Systems .
7 Several readers have asked if the kick was correctly taken , and what would have been the decision if defending players not on the goal-line had prevented Brooke from scoring a try .
8 As a result of my article on computer tidal prediction in the December issue , several readers have asked what practical advice I can offer about the effects of abnormal meteorological conditions on tide predictions and when to apply correction to take them into account .
9 A number of readers have asked for more advice on entries that cover matches in pairs and trios .
10 A couple who were kidnapped and pushed off a cliff in a burning car have asked a court to give them the pick-up truck in which they were abducted .
11 But it added : ‘ The United States have asked for our support for their proposal and to consider participation .
12 DoE and the Department of Trade and Industry have asked the British Standards Institution to revise any analytical standards that lay down the use of either of these compounds .
13 Marcos supporters have asked the Supreme Court to reverse the ban , but Mrs Aquino , who ousted Mr Marcos in a ‘ people 's power ’ revolt in 1986 , said : ‘ The return of this man and his minions poses a greater threat to the democratic constitution he ironically invokes than denying him entry would tend to subvert the fundamental law . ’
14 The insurers have asked a federal court in New York to declare that they are not liable for the costs of the spill .
15 Well Chairman , you , I think certainly the Po the P and R have asked you for your views , I mean there 's no final er , agreements .
16 Radical formulations have asked about professions in the class structure , but have presumed the usefulness of the notion of profession itself .
17 MOSELEY rugby union club have asked the fraud squad to continue investigating accounting irregularities .
18 The Wight Passap Knitting Club have asked us to publish details of their meetings which take place between 10.30 am to 12 noon every fourth Thursday at Aureol , Victoria Avenue , Shanklin , Isle of Wight .
19 In fact , these powers were not so extraordinary by local standards ; Russia 's reformers have asked for much the same .
20 The Bill also replaces the idea of voluntary care — where parents have asked to have children taken into care because of specific problems — with the duty of local authorities to provide care and accommodation for any child who needs it .
21 The Tesdale teachers and parents have asked Abingdon MP John Patten for help .
22 The Prado administrators have asked for opinions from two influential organisations : the San Fernando Royal Academy of Fine Arts , of which Goya was a director , and the professional body that represents Madrid 's architects .
23 Alexis added : ‘ Recent enquirers have asked about EC policy on AIDS and transport .
24 However , various TV companies have asked the European Community to make this ruling invalid .
25 I 've prepared the amendment in the in in removing the port er Mr Chairman I think it 's erm important to note the reason why the public protection committee have asked the report to be put onto the council agenda .
26 The subject was discussed at a meeting of members of the Jockey Club last week and spokesman David Pipe said today : ‘ The Stewards have asked the Disciplinary Committee to review the well rehearsed arguments and produce a report in due course . ’
27 Nether Wyresdale Parish Council have asked me to express their strong objection to the proposed closure and to urge you to do all in your power to prevent it .
28 The Parish Council have asked me to find out if he is entitled to do this and , if there are any planning or highway restraints on what he may do .
29 Nether Wyresdale Parish Council have asked me to let you know that they have no objections to the proposal providing it is in keeping with the present development on the site .
30 Nether Wyresdale Parish Council have asked me to write and draw your attention to the gas substation on Tithe Barn Lane , Scorton .
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