Example sentences of "[noun] were built " in BNC.

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1 Dams were built linked by causeways to a series of smaller outpost forts .
2 In the late 1870s and 1880s a whole succession of attractive stations with complex roof-lines and towers with conical caps were built at towns like Craigleith ( 1872 ) , Streetsville ( 1879 ) , Smithville , Grimsby ( 1882 ) , Whitby , and Don ( 1899 ) , among many others .
3 New weaving sheds were built in 1912 and a new spinning mill in 1951 .
4 From 1979 to 1983 , 2,000 new primary schools were built , mainly in rural areas , with 4,020 new teaching posts , in addition to 800 new communal schools , created in co-operation with rural communities .
5 Some success was achieved in the primary field , where large numbers of new state schools were built and teachers trained .
6 Classrooms became ever more informal and when new schools were built their very shape and design proclaimed acceptance of a way of thinking about young children 's learning which was often quite alien to the more traditional views of parents .
7 Even the schools were built in the corners of crowded burial grounds , or over public sewers into which they slowly sank .
8 Well all we had was Broadfield School and that 's where my boys had to go to Broadfield , they went into Broadfield School and erm , they all got on alright you know , they got on well there and then from there they went to when the new school was built they went to Netteswell school you see , but two of my sons are electricians and unfortunately the eldest one , one of the electricians I could n't put him to apprentice because I could n't afford it cos I had a hard to struggle to bring them up you know in those days , we did n't get erm any family allowance or anything those days , and erm , so therefore he could n't go , but he sort of got on and got his own factory , but my other son who 's an electrician , one of the twins he 's erm , he 's got his City and Guilds he passed , he went , he was able to go to the school when the new schools were built you see , when Netteswell school was built he was able to go to night school and er learn all you see , then there was the one at Burnt Mill was n't there , down the bottom ?
9 A neat stone arch and a flight of steps were built at the entrance and these have survived .
10 So offices were built to last .
11 Behind this colonnade shops and offices were built against the rear wall .
12 Such new suburbs were most attractive to the lower middle class , although Port Sunlight and Bournville were built on similar principles for workers , as were the LCC 's first cottage estates .
13 Many new castles were built during this period , particularly in the north .
14 At the south-western corner of the city walls two smaller castles were built , Baynard 's and Mountfichet , but never allowed to become great fortresses ; and they were finally removed from this strategic place by Edward I in the late thirteenth century : by a king whose mighty works at the Tower mirrored his determination to keep the Londoners under firm control ; but who greatly expanded the western end and formed a large new enclosure there for the Dominican friars , who could help him to ensure that no hostile presence met him when he came from Westminster to the City .
15 The chief Norman royal castles were built at the headquarters of shires , and in early days their castellans were often ( though not invariably ) the royal sheriffs .
16 The suddenness of the increased use of artillery in the third quarter of the fourteenth century is evidenced by the fact that when Gaston Fébus , vicomte of Béarn in the Pyrenees , had a network of fortifications constructed between 1365 and 1380 ( a period during which many castles were built in France ) he must have been building some of the last fortifications to take no account of artillery , which was very soon to compel important developments in the art of defence .
17 Castles were built throughout the Middle Ages in all European countries .
18 Many fortresses and castles were built in the Middle Ages in Poland .
19 Many castles were built in Finland in the Middle Ages , for defensive purposes .
20 Nearby , at Buckler 's Hard , we wandered in the village where Lord Nelson 's wooden warships were built .
21 The new houses of the 18th and earlier 19th centuries were built of small rough bricks made in Patrington 's own brickyards .
22 Athenian style temples and halls were built by the Welland , probably with long colonnades of beautiful fluted Doric columns carved by Greek masons in the local limestone .
23 Later , more complex constructions were built up further with a drum upon the pendentives , pierced by windows in the sides to light the building beneath , and the dome surmounted this drum ( ‘ F' ) .
24 Dinner parties were built around the episodes .
25 To the visitor who approaches the south side of the palace today from the harbour of Split the once magnificent south wall and colonnade are disappointing and a clearer idea of the original splendour of this elevation can be gained from Robert Adam 's drawing made in 1764 before the shops were built in front of it at ground level .
26 The other four cars were built by Starbuck : 1 and 2 of conventional design and 7 and 8 with open sides .
27 Tramways and overhead cableways were built to tip the waste rock high up on the moorland hillsides since the valley floors had little spare space .
28 But the pressure was on , with state housing subsidies inciting the architects , builders and local councils to build ever upward and experiment with barely tested materials , to cram the maximum population onto the minimum land mass , so that during the twenty-year tower block boom nearly half a million high-rise homes were built .
29 That means that since this Government came to power , up to the end of March 1990 , a total of 117,000 new homes were built .
30 Will my hon. Friend — with his hon. Friend the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State , with whom I have corresponded on the matter — undertake to consider further how a housing association might help with the difficult and complex problem faced by owner-occupiers in Galmington in Taunton , whose homes were built in a non-traditional manner just after the war and who can not now sell those homes ?
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