Example sentences of "[noun] was near " in BNC.

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1 Twelveheads was near Wesley 's revival centre at Gwennap pit ; Bray 's grandfather had been one of his converts and had helped to build the Twelveheads chapel .
2 Benedict was near thirty , and yet his face and form had withstood the ravages of time and circumstance .
3 To avoid them I should either have had to go several hundred yards through dense undergrowth , or make a wide detour round and above them ; the former would have subjected me to very great danger , and there was no time for the latter , for the sun was near setting and I had still two miles to go .
4 The village was near the main road between Canterbury and Dover .
5 Sergeant Reynolds was near the end of his service , a stolid , broad-shouldered , slow-speaking officer of the old school and a native of the fens .
6 Yardarm Street was a turning off Commercial Road and the pub was near the Commercial Road corner .
7 As the depôt was near the ‘ Robin Hood ’ , in the mornings , one would often see drivers ' small children waiting with a blue enamelled jug of steaming tea and sandwiches in a red handkerchief , for their father 's breakfast .
8 John Pilkington 's home was near the duchy lordship of Wakefield and Ralph Snaith had close links with a leading duchy family , the Savilles of Thornhill .
9 Maybe it was a good thing I did n't see Darrowby ; Helen 's home was near the bus route and I dropped off well short of the town .
10 Hilda 's home was near the convent , and the tube train seemed to be boring a hole into the past , bearing her inexorably back to the source of her purest happiness and pain .
11 John Pilkington 's home was near the duchy lordship of Wakefield and Ralph Snaith had close links with a leading duchy family , the Savilles of Thornhill .
12 Apart from its prominence , Luxulyan was several miles from a river estuary , requiring both a long water pipeline and cooling towers , whilst Gwithian was near the tourist honeypot of St Ives .
13 In fact , the community was near the end of its financial tether .
14 Beneath it were a photograph of a beaming Ruby Dobby and a few hundred words about her having a psychic revelation that Sniffy Wilson was near London and trying to make contact with a friend .
15 She glanced at Conrad whose head was near the hatch where she was working and , sure enough , he had transferred his attention from her cat to the young man who had melted into the rocking-chair ; his expression was quieter , more thoughtful .
16 He drew her to him , so that her head was near his waist , in a stiff sort of way because she did not give in to the embrace .
17 She waited until the pressure outside the suit was near zero , checked that the pressure inside was normal , and used her right claw with surprising delicacy to tap in the instruction to open the hatch .
18 The goal was nt a direct result of his actions … the free kick was near the touchline and some 18 yrds from the dead ball line — something we still should have dealt with .
19 Not that I 've any time for him any longer — going on like that when his poor wife was near her time . ’
20 His name was near the beginning .
21 Joseph was near the easel .
22 Respect for their seniors was near the top of the list … however high or humble they might be .
23 Lachlan was near heaving the shipmaster overboard , but he knew he 'd been wrong .
24 He stopped her from going visiting in the town , and whenever Daniel Marsh was near Nahum became angry , taking it out on the poor , innocent man whose only role in life was to serve .
25 Lachlan was being left in charge of the castle , and Lady Marion could not go to the ceremony , for the baby was near its time .
26 The epicentre was near Bishops Castle in Shropshire , but the shaking was felt as far afield as the intensity 2 area .
27 We found hot springs to bathe in and waterfalls to admire but our first outdoors adventure was near Whangarei , where Mount Manaia rises very steeply and with spectacular jagged outcrops to about 1500 ft .
28 In our experiment , we controlled for intermale and interfemale competition by excluding responses when more than one bird was near the model , but because crest size is also correlated with dominance in both sexes and aggressive competition for mates is frequent ( I.L.J. , unpublished data ) , crest ornament size is likely to be favoured by intrasexual competition as well as by mating preference .
29 ‘ Writing letters was near impossible .
30 He went inland to Hufuf , where he was informed that Ibrahim was near Dara'iyyah , and decided to join a convoy that was going to his camp .
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