Example sentences of "[noun] of putting " in BNC.

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1 Pitching : there are two methods of putting the tent up — either flysheet first , or you can leave the inner attached and put it up all in one .
2 Focal areas were noted and the various methods of putting on and scraping off paint considered .
3 No one was at fault ; it was simply the result of putting together two people of totally different conditioning .
4 It 's far more of a risk than being overweight , so do n't let the fear of putting weight on stop you from giving up cigarettes .
5 She constantly restrained her eating for fear of putting on weight .
6 We found the locals do n't like to talk about it for fear of putting off money-spinning tourists .
7 Finally , courts have shown considerable reluctance to allow judicial review of decisions of social workers designed to protect children from abuse , for fear of putting undue pressure on them in the performance of difficult tasks .
8 For a while I adopted the practice of putting things away in cupboards until I was in a mood to be ruthless , but now I have advanced to instant ruthlessness .
9 This is in contrast to the practice of putting all the colours in the collection on the palette at once .
10 The common practice of putting pencil notes on the abstract itself is to be deprecated as defacing an important document , and it is also easy to miss these notes on an old and tattered abstract that has already been marked by previous investigators .
11 No EC country except France provided targeted assistance to help older unemployed people find new work , and France was also alone in banning the practice of putting age limits in job advertisements , it said .
12 The builders of the new machinery , principally the DES , do so with the good intention of putting the law into practice .
13 The thousands of sale catalogues formerly in the collection of the London art dealers Leggatt Brothers , recently sold at Sotheby 's , have been purchased with the intention of putting them on database .
14 Deprivation payments were introduced with the 1990 general practitioner contract with the intention of putting more resources into practices where deprivation might be expected to increase the demand for services .
15 She had no intention of putting herself deeper into Luke 's bad books ; all she wanted now was for her involvement with Woodline Design to proceed peacefully to its end .
16 We have no intention of putting the success of that operation at risk because of the usual bungling by the authorities . ’
17 The Noble Earl , Lord has been wounded by the suggestion he confessed to be in the last debate that Mr Howard has the intention of putting political friends into these jobs .
18 But , it is said , we would say of the bar 's coming out that it was an effect , and in particular the effect of putting in the coin .
19 What may lead one towards supposing , despite this , that the bar 's coming out was an effect of putting in the coin , is a certain fact .
20 Giving a ‘ preference ’ means doing anything which has the effect of putting one of the company 's creditors , or a guarantor for any of the company 's debts , into a better position in the event of the company going into liquidation than otherwise would have been the case : subsection ( 4 ) .
21 The project will investigate empirically the effect of putting services out to tender and will carry out comparisons with authorities where services have not tendered .
22 What he had n't counted on was the tunnel effect of putting five together and pointing them into a wind that came more or less straight from the Urals after turning left over Norway .
23 A preference consists of anything done or suffered to be done by the vendor which has the effect of putting one of its creditors , or any surety or guarantor , into a position which , in the event of the vendor going into insolvent liquidiation , would be better than the position which such person would have been in if that thing had not been done .
24 But the major flaw from the constable 's point of view was the impossibility of putting a good case to a senior officer who was prosecutor , judge , and jury .
25 When they returned , there was the usual ritual of putting the shopping away .
26 The four villas ( according to the L & B Minute Book ) were built in 1838 by Messrs Guyther and Co , for £393 10s each , and let at £18 per annum — the tenants paid rates and taxes , but there was an allowance of £5 per house to meet the expense of putting the garden in order .
27 The school could not afford the time or expense of putting bar-codes on all stock in both libraries .
28 Rangers had to go to the expense of putting £30,000-worth of protective covering over the pitch after a day of persistent rain .
29 There is some talk of putting all pilots , glider and balloon in the Class II group .
30 In Riga they paid Hughes the compliment of putting two defenders on him but that merely created space for the other Northern Ireland players .
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