Example sentences of "[noun] spend each " in BNC.

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1 Aerospace companies reckon the number directly employed by the project is around 20,000 — one job for every $100,000 spent each year .
2 Research and development ; Beecham can afford to spend only £100m ( $170m ) a year on R&D , well below the $670m spent each year by Merck , the world 's largest drug firm .
3 The amounts of money involved , however , pale into insignificance when compared with the vast sums spent each year on older areas such as ‘ big physics ’ .
4 The indicator here was simply the amount spent each year on repairs in each school .
5 Both children spend each weekend in Liverpool with Trevor and Doreen Jones , leaving Louise and her husband , Peter Johannsen , free to relax .
6 Although the original intention was to devote every Thursday morning during the autumn term to the project , the time spent each week was less than a morning as pupils from Sutton School had to be transported one and half miles to Russells Hall , and other events such as school assemblies delayed the start each Thursday .
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