Example sentences of "[noun] fall as " in BNC.

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1 Through each point on the c 1 c 2 curve in Fig. 8–3 we can draw a line with slope ( ) , noting that r falls as we move up the curve .
2 Isabel 's eyes fell as guilt racked her again .
3 The apc falls as income rises and is greater than the mpc .
4 Beer consumption fell as compared to the pre-war period , and did not pick up again to 1945 levels until 1968 .
5 This effect can vitiate scientific observation , as when seventeenth century experimenters , familiar with the concepts of post-Galilean mechanics but not of electrostatic attraction and repulsion , regularly reported observing chaff falling as though by gravitation , or mechanically rebounding from the electrified bodies which attracted them .
6 Government revenues fell as the slump reduced taxation yields , while public spending rose as unemployment benefit payments rocketed .
7 Under poll tax , the poor pay a higher proportion of their income than the rich , and the share of income taken in tax falls as incomes rise , a characteristic we call ‘ regressive ’ .
8 The benefits of reaping economies of scale depend upon how far costs fall as output levels are increased .
9 She spun round to face him with blazing blue eyes and then her head fell as the blue became blurred with tears , and pity for herself , for her mother and for the man she scarcely remembered came flooding with the tears that fell down her cheeks .
10 Non-Communist becomes acting head of state Krenz falls as unrest fears grow .
11 Inspection of these optimality conditions reveals that the reservation price falls as the horizon T approaches , reaching zero in the final period ( in which the optimal strategy is to sell everything , regardless of the ( non-negative ) price ) .
12 If the marginal rate is below the average rate , then the average rate falls as income rises , and the tax is regressive .
13 The problem is that annuity rates fall as interest rates fall , so is it a good time to buy an annuity when interest rates are low and what can be done about it ?
14 The alert last night had sounded just as Londoners were beginning to think that just for once there would be no air raid , and the first bombs fell as the last notes of the sirens gave way to an uneasy , brooding silence .
15 Likewise , the optimal output level falls as the horizon approaches , reaching the level at which marginal cost equals the ( unconditional ) mean price in the final period .
16 Demand in Japan , France and Germany fell as their economies moved into recession , but sales to the UK and the key US market improved .
17 Mr Najibullah fell as troops defected and the government 's biggest military base , two garrison towns and the lifeline road to the former Soviet Union fell to an offensive by seven loosely allied guerrilla groups .
18 Italian government falls as it is revealed that Vatican money to rescue Olivetti came from the Mafia ; Cosa Nostra says ‘ we were just doing Our Thing ’ .
19 Her tears fell as she started digging again .
20 A call is written with a low exercise price ( E L ) to make the profit when prices fall as expected .
21 The stigmas fall , the stamens moving into their place , dehiscing and powdering the beetles , which may be copulating ; then the stamens fall as do the petals , one at a time , releasing the insects .
22 The horse 's hooves and the iron cart rims made a terrible clatter on the cobblestones but at last silence fell as she came to a halt outside our door .
23 Silence fell as Creggan and the other eagles that had been listening thought about what Minch had told them .
24 To take an example : a car manufacturer may notice that the average cost of producing a model falls as greater numbers of the model are produced .
25 Their behaviour conforms to fairly well-known principles and it should therefore be possible to estimate a perpetual inventory model which will show , for example , increased saving if the real value of their assets falls as deficiencies are made up .
26 However , in practice although earnings vary , it is not always observed that dividends fall as earnings fall .
27 As can be seen from Table 2 , which shows figures from the United Kingdom Family Expenditure Survey of 1986 , the apc has a marked tendency to fall as we move from lower to higher income groups ; also , the apc is greater than the mpc in every case .
28 Expenditure fell as unemployment fell , but it has continued to decline as unemployment has rocketed again .
29 Fairly obviously , declining ray average costs occur when multiplying all outputs by t less than multiplies costs by t , so that RAC falls as t increases .
30 His face falls as he reads the heading of the notice .
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