Example sentences of "[noun] every morning " in BNC.

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1 Dysart had left the chair again , this time to stand by the window , gazing out at the view which had met Harry 's bleary eyes every morning of his childhood .
2 I lift weights every morning before I go into the office . ’
3 ‘ If you do n't like somebody , you 're liable to mark them down , whereas the person who brings you tea every morning gets extra points .
4 Hey now for the past three mornings I 've got up out of bed , I 've made you a cup of tea every morning and breakfast on a tray , so do n't you come complaining to me .
5 cup of tea every morning .
6 It was all right for Annabel — she 's only six , and as long as she can feed sugar to the milkman 's horse every morning she 's happy .
7 Mrs Ephraim Cook did not agree with her , believing that every child should learn to read as firmly as she believed they should wash behind their ears every morning and not relieve themselves , like dogs , in the street .
8 After Dan Salmon 's funeral , Charlie tried to read the Daily Chronicle every morning in the hope of discovering what the second battalion , Royal Fusiliers , were up to and where his father might be .
9 Early bird Ruth arrives on her bike and pitches in with the adult workers at her grandfather 's stables every morning before she sets off for school Pictures : STUART FOSTER
10 And erm we used to go into the assembly hall every morning for prayer and then we should just go up to the erm we we used to go upstairs to the er to the classrooms which were off a long corridor .
11 To the New York Times Pebbles was ‘ the English filly who drinks a pint of stout every morning and went to post in the company of a British gelding she has a crush on ’ ; in the 1985 Breeders ' Cup Turf at Aqueduct she ‘ overcame a poor start and traffic problems to beat the boys by a neck ’ and provide Britain 's first win in a Breeders ' Cup event .
12 It was also a vital information centre , where spies mingled with oilmen , where officials of the local security forces met heir hookers , and where the waiters brought valuable intelligence every morning from their homes in the rabbit warrens in the ghettos and barrios where few diplomats or reporters dared go .
13 Discuss this with your doctor but my general recommendations are — have a routine puff with your inhaler every morning and always carry it in your pocket when you are skiing .
14 Inside Sutton dredged up personal details , such as Murdoch insisting the fringes of his Indian carpets be combed into regimented lines every morning and that there must be no marks left behind by the wheels of the Hoover .
15 It is not easy to visualize the future , so for one week try the exercise every morning when you wake up and every evening before you go to bed .
16 When they 're outside the window every morning ? ’ 'It 's all worth it , ’ the Perm replied .
17 Moving down the open field at Kingsburgh , a view of the sea-loch comes into view , wide and bright , the view from her window every morning until Flora Macdonald and her husband left to try and increase their fortunes in America .
18 St Paul , as a devout Jewish man , would have said his prayers every morning .
19 I had inspected the trap every morning .
20 Once through the Suez Canal and into the Red Sea the ‘ black out ’ rule was relaxed somewhat and you children then enjoyed the warmth and the swimming pool , and the kindly Scots captain who greeted Mig every morning with ‘ Hoo 's Maggie the morn ? ’ and the nice stewardess who had taught Mig to reply in a Scots voice , ‘ Maggie 's fine , thank you for spierin' ( asking ) . ’
21 Tony Meek says it means the world to be in the race and its a dream come true … he gets his dogs ready by walking them in the forest every morning … they have good food … weetabix … honey and milk for breakfast … cooked meat … raw meat and vegatables for tea … he says his dogs have a good chance of winning they 're second and third favourites and he 's not bothered which one does it …
22 At one extreme is the person who starts a diet every morning and has broken it by the evening .
23 It was my job to check up on the flock every morning and on Sundays Uncle Joe would come to the farm .
24 The open air fish market does brisk business every morning except Sunday and Monday and is well worth a visit for its display of fresh and smoked specialities , as well as a huge range of shellfish .
25 It was the middle of the orange month — almost the hottest time of the year — when the condensation from the mist which clung to the buildings every morning was welcome for the moisture it imparted .
26 I still left Winston Street every morning for the long cycle ride through town and up the Banbury Road .
27 On Mrs Marie Moon one could write a fresh drama every morning in black lace , sequined taffeta , white watered-silk with one huge splash of crimson at the waist .
28 Joyce left and to my surprise , I continued to go to that quiet room every morning .
29 As I have never been in the habit of working at my easel every morning from 8 am , I only feel inclined to work when something stirs me in some way .
30 Right yeah because if you 're having cereals where you gon na get fresh milk every morning ?
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