Example sentences of "[noun] can properly " in BNC.

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1 On the contrary , to emphasise the personal and private nature of moral or immoral conduct is to emphasise the personal and private responsibility of the individual for his own actions , and this is a responsibility which a mature agent can properly be expected to carry for himself without the threat of punishment from the law .
2 But it is only against such a background , I submit , that the issue of the technological imperative can properly be understood .
3 That the windscreen wipers started to work can properly be said to have been caused by a set of things including the state of the wipers ' mountings and the smooth surface of the windscreen as well as the switch 's being flipped .
4 Moreover , if it is right here that the tax was repaid as a matter of extra-statutory discretion , and interest from the date of Nolan J. 's order was paid on the same basis , it is not clear to me how a review of the discretionary refusal to pay interest which was not due in law can properly be examined by way of judicial review .
5 But much wider issues than the construction of the Finance Act 1976 have been raised in these appeals and for the first time this House has been asked to consider a detailed argument upon the extent to which reference can properly be made before a court of law in the United Kingdom to proceedings in Parliament recorded in Hansard .
6 There must be evidence adduced from which a conclusion can properly and genuinely be drawn that a contract existed and that the place of performance was the country in which the action was brought .
7 But your conclusion can properly come to a decision on one side , and need not remain balanced ( so avoid : " both sides have their virtues and it is difficult to decide between them " ) .
8 On the contrary they assist the plaintiff to the extent that his case accords with legislative policy and the Act at least recognises the possibility that he has a valid claim at common law — the fact that the Law Commission , whose Report on Injuries to Unborn Children ( 1974 ) ( Cmnd. 5709 ) led to the Act of 1976 , considered this a probability is perhaps not a matter which the plaintiff can properly pray in aid .
9 No purely theoretical studies of world climate can properly achieve their objectives without an adequate base in observational data .
10 If I thought that the present case raised the question which has been held in suspense by more than one writer on constitutional law — namely , whether an assembly can properly be held to be unlawful merely because the holding of it is expected to give rise to a breach of the peace on the part of persons opposed to those who are holding the meeting — I should wish to hear much more argument before I expressed an opinion .
11 If I thought that the present case raised the question which has been held in suspense by more than one writer on constitutional law — namely , whether an assembly can properly be held to be unlawful merely because the holding of it is expected to give rise to a breach of the peace on the part of persons opposed to those who are holding the meeting — I should wish to hear much more argument before expressing an opinion .
12 An important corollary of the present discussion is that circuit components of centimetre dimensions can properly be regarded as discrete until the frequency gets as high as about 300MHz ( recall discussion of this topic near the beginning of section 4.3 ) .
13 Examples can be found in the research literature on elderly people , where it is reported that those without children tend to form equivalent ties with whichever kin are available , typically a niece or nephew , although there is some doubt about whether such a person can properly be expected to provide such extensive or reliable support as a ‘ real ’ child ( Townsend , 1965 ; Allan , 1983 ; Wenger , 1984 ) .
14 Clause 3.4 thus negates the effect of such delivery notes , except in relation to matters ( eg the number of boxes delivered ) which the warehouse staff can properly check , and can be reasonably expected to sign for .
15 Sometimes a partner will be recruited on the strength of his professional expertise alone and yet receive a share in the firm 's capital : where such arrangement can properly be regarded as commercial ( and this will usually be the case ) there will be no adverse tax consequences ( see Chapter 10 ) .
16 This led him to doubt whether authentic religious belief can properly be tied to and bound up with particular historical events .
17 Although overdue , two elements of the bill can properly claim to be breaking new ground .
18 In the words of Lord Greene in Davies v Collins [ 1945 ] 1 All ER 247 : Whether or not in any given contract performance can properly be carried out by the employment of a sub-contractor , must depend on the proper inference to be drawn from the contract itself , the subject matter of it and other material surrounding circumstances .
19 3 Whether the employer impressed on the employee the confidentiality of the information Thus , though an employer can not prevent the use or disclosure merely by telling the employee that certain information is confidential , the attitude of the employer towards the information provides evidence that may assist in determining whether or not the information can properly be regarded as a business secret .
20 Once jurisdiction can properly be established on this basis then the effect of article 5(1) in the light of the Effer v. Kantner decision is that the court has jurisdiction finally to determine the issues between the parties .
21 Despite plans for market integration in Latin America and between the United States , Mexico and Canada , it is only in relation to the European Community that integration can properly be discussed at present .
22 Writing the software was somewhat tedious , but having to work at this level did help the designers to get away from preconceptions about interaction which they might have had if they had been working within the input/output facilities provided by a conventional mini or mainframe operating system ( for example , that it needs a RETURN to terminate user input or that the operating system can properly handle the echoing of characters to the terminal ) .
23 It is a judgment about moral limits and one which reasonable adults can properly be expected to make in a democratic community .
24 If the surrounding web of reality which we perceive is partly true and partly false , then in order to get closer to the truth some things need to be doubted so that others can properly be believed .
25 For the above reasons and those contained in the speech of my noble and learned friend , Lord Templeman , which I have had the privilege of reading in draft , I would allow this appeal on the ground that the courts are entitled to substitute some different protection in place of the privilege against self-incrimination , providing that such protection can properly be considered as adequate protection .
26 It is debatable whether this permission can properly be described as a " right or interest " in the copyright ; if it can be so described then sections 2 to 4 of the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 do not apply to software contracts and this is the most likely interpretation .
27 As with the latency period , there is some difference of opinion as to whether adolescence can properly be considered as a specific life-state or whether it should be viewed as a largely cultural phenomenon of more " advanced " , or technological , civilisation .
28 Such groups can properly be described in terms of free association within a generally accepted cultural diversity , though it must be noted that even here , in many cases , the diversity is established by these initiatives , rather than prepared for them , and that in the cases of particular branches of an art the initiatives often involve significant local conflict .
29 In my opinion no such implied agreement can properly be inferred .
30 Amendments to the agreement can properly be , and frequently are , made by supplemental agreement .
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