Example sentences of "[noun] will begin " in BNC.

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1 After another 72 hours the fry will begin to swim .
2 Does this then mean that pupils will choose their options from some estimated grade or does this mean that schools will begin to set " mock " tests around option time ?
3 New projects supported by individual oil companies and consortia from industry will begin shortly .
4 With more training , however , the inhibitory association will begin to form .
5 Poland 's foreign minister , Krzysztof Skubiszewski , hopes that a deadline for final Soviet withdrawal can be fixed soon , and that big combat units will begin leaving this spring .
6 The programme will begin this summer .
7 The massive programme will begin with 1.6 million homes in 1994 .
8 An extensive seismic programme will begin in the second half of 1992 with a view to drilling the first exploration well in late 1993 .
9 But the company has an opportunity to make other gains through a 50 per cent stake it has secured with BP in five surrounding blocks where an intensive exploration programme will begin later this year in an attempt to discover other ‘ elephant ’ fields .
10 The craftsmen knew , for instance , the precise critical angle beyond which an elephant-grass roof will begin absorbing rather than rejecting rainwater .
11 In a period when car crime is a problem , I hope that manufacturers will begin to advertise cars using better security as a selling point .
12 Tutors will begin with simple introductions to computers and also explain how the equipment can be used in everyday life . ’
13 Consultation with the council 's constituent bodies and other interested parties will begin immediately , but the council is expecting considerable opposition — particularly from some national newspapers — to key recommendations .
14 This chapter will begin by considering the reasons for carrying out language assessments and the ways in which information from language assessments is used .
15 This chapter will begin with a brief survey of " hearing children read " as it has been popularly practised .
16 This chapter will begin , therefore , by examining the different dimensions of Jacobitism , and then proceed to a consideration of how extensive Jacobite sentiment was in British society at large .
17 At Santa Maria del Popolo the Soprintendenza will begin work on the Mellini Chapel , which contains busts by Algardi , and the frescoes in Santa Maria della Vittoria will also be restored .
18 If Mr McCrickard gets it right , the benefits of cost savings will begin to come through in 1991 .
19 The research will begin to examine not only how people use maps , but also how they create them .
20 The cemetery where the ceremony will begin ?
21 The promotion of Peru 's telecommunications firms will begin in earnest next month after the regulatory framework and methodology for fixing rates have been established , Reuter reports from Lima : investment advisers Morgan Grenfell and Coopers & Lybrand will begin pre-qualifying firms interested in acquiring 100% of the state 's shares in Entel Peru SA and 20% of the government 's stake in the Compania Peruana de Telefonos SA ; Peru has just 2.3 lines per 100 inhabitants .
22 The answer to it I just do n't know , but the Food Safety Act deals with some of the future , some of the future objectives in terms of better training for people who handle food , and tighter controls on food businesses , so it 's something to look forward to , and hopefully in years to come the figure will begin to drop .
23 Production of the Continental R will begin in November , with only 70 units being allocated to each of Rolls-Royce 's four main territories — the UK , the United States , Europe and the Far East — in the first year .
24 The march will begin at the Albion works in Scotstoun and go to Partick Burgh Halls , where the demonstrators will be addressed by Campbell Christie , general secretary of the Scottish Trades Union Congress .
25 Clinical trials will begin within a year and patients with lung , stomach and pancreas cancer should be receiving the treatment by 1995 .
26 Work on trials will begin immediately and the system will become fully operational between 1995 and 1997 under the current plan .
27 Soon another major climb will begin .
28 DETAILED design work will begin in the next few weeks on an Israeli hydroelectric scheme that will shift 1.6 billion cubic metres of water per year from the Mediterranean to the Dead Sea .
29 With the North Stand now completed work will begin on building a new East Stand as soon as this season ends .
30 However he says he hopes to establish MNOD as an industry standard for storing musical information , since it retains information that is lost in the MIDI format , and once he gets backing from the industry , work will begin on extending the format .
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