Example sentences of "[noun] and put " in BNC.

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1 I think some people they used to put a , I think some used a little sponge and put something on but I did n't .
2 All that stuff on our first two records I think is really cool and in some ways I prefer it to what we 're doing now , and I knew that once we took any of those songs and put them in an electric context people would go , ‘ Duh , it 's a good song ! ’ .
3 Across the table , the younger of the two men from Six had already torn up his place card and put it in his pocket as a gesture of security .
4 Each book should have a card within it , and when you take the book you sign and date the card and put it in a box at the location of the books .
5 So one of your responses would be to bring in the privatization card and put a lot of this out to tender ?
6 I would erm suggest what we do is we stop the Dieside and put in something else , you know , just to keep you on on I do n't really want to have you on a combination of lots
7 He leaned the chair back on two legs and put the sole of one shoe against the bedrails , then pulled on the rope of nylon until his biceps began to crack .
8 Margaret Bilney of Cam in Gloucestershire cut her finger one day in 1985 , so she took off her wedding ring and put it in her purse .
9 We had first hung the avant-garde pictures in our main room , but as the man in charge of our building , and a local policeman , sometimes called on us , my wife and I decided to hang the pictures in the bedroom and put the icons in the living room .
10 He has n't got to bath the kids and put them to bed .
11 On Dec. 16 the Netherlands authorities expelled 43 Russian Jews and put them on an aeroplane to Israel after their applications for asylum were turned down ; a further nine were expelled on Dec. 23 .
12 I opened my eyes and put the bedside light back on .
13 I thought I 'd just close me eyes and put a cross .
14 What I 'll do is I 'll read you the first paragraph of rule six and actually bend the rule and put those words in and it really does n't make any sense at all , so listen carefully on this one and do n't be surprised if you do n't understand me .
15 She got the revolver off the back seat and put it into the glove compartment with the cartridges .
16 When we were going out of the theatre at the end of the pantomime I saw a little lad crawl under the seat and put it in his pocket .
17 Pete lifted his knight but changed his mind and put it back on the board .
18 So you just changed your mind and put it in
19 So you just changed your mind and put it in .
20 Oh we used to have phosphate and sulphur , potash , coal , granite you name it anything , general cargo we 've had , loaded everything , even dead bodies , we sent , there was one young , one young person , he got drowned up the coast there and they and he had to go back to Holland and they brought that from out the warehouse and put it on the stern of our ship , his coffin , they sent that back and they erm export er pigs to Poland , all live pigs , pedigree pigs .
21 The League 's leader , Umberto Bossi , announced on Nov. 27 that with his party now occupying 14 seats on the 50-seat city council — one more than any other party — he intended to appoint a mayor and put together a coalition adminstration .
22 It left her with a great admiration for the contemplatives , even if God still has to forcibly take her by the scruff of the neck and put tier in a position where she has no option but to be still on occasion .
23 He sucks cocks and put it in .
24 Now , Barry , I shall end my spiel And put this to dictation , You know we poets only feel Short bursts of inspiration .
25 She poured out the tea and put the cup carefully before her patient .
26 She gave him his tea and put the plate of chocolate biscuits on the table beside his chair ; he had a sweet tooth .
27 Madame drank her tea and put the fine china cup carefully back on the saucer which she was holding in her other hand .
28 Then Auntie Lou made tea and put the biscuit barrel on the table .
29 and it took me as long to put the dinners up and clean the shoes and I thought well he 's swimming , so I got his togs and put 'em in his bag and
30 I was particularly concerned to read your experts ' views that some of the movements in Cindy 's Shape Your Body Workout could strain spinal ligaments and put terrible pressure on knee ligaments .
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