Example sentences of "[noun] do make " in BNC.

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1 I believe , however , that over the past 20 years an important body of evidence has emerged which strongly suggests that schools do make a significant difference both to pupil attainment and pupil behaviour .
2 Owen , significantly , makes repeated reference to the work of those who insist that ‘ schools do make a difference ’ .
3 If the contractions can not make up their mind about starting or not , that is they come and go and labour is not properly established , take one dose of Pulsatilla 200 every 2 hours until the contractions do make up their mind .
4 Try to continue the pattern as long as possible and if you have to return to stocking stitch do make sure that the work matches on both sides of the neck .
5 One school , led by S. E. Finer , claims that the parties do make a difference and that , because parties have become more partisan , this is regrettable .
6 So , " parties do make a difference in the way Britain is governed … [ but ] the differences in office between one party and another are less likely to arise from contrasting intentions than from the exigencies of government " .
7 That , I mean , the , the appointments what Jane and Linda do make me , I 'll be honest , they 're quality appointments , not all of them but I would sixty , seventy percent of them are good quality appointments .
8 But its nakedness does make it appear extremely ugly to many cat enthusiasts and does not seem to compensate for its oddity-value .
9 Macbeth 's explanation of why they must kill Banquo for him is a perfect description of the tribute that vice pays to virtue : because of That is almost too explicit in its description of the gap between false surface and his true feelings , and in its affected , forced language ( ‘ to your assistance do make love ’ ) .
10 Regarding exercises : before attempting to answer a question do make sure you know the meaning of all the words in it !
11 But this one currently doing the rounds did make us chuckle :
12 What should become apparent is that , while companies do make substantial financial contributions , a more important contribution they can make is expertise and management skills . ’
13 The vast majority of day care is provided by the public sector , although the voluntary sector does make important contributions in some areas .
14 This discovery does make the point that trade had been established and there is no reason to think that in the closing years of his reign , when Cunobelinus was showing strong pro-Roman tendencies these commercial links with the Roman world would not have been fostered .
15 The taxing of consumption does make current saving more attractive .
16 The law does make provision for a person on a child-abuse register to know and to challenge that decision but the information does not have to come through the school record .
17 The view for which Katib Celebi 's list forms the basis thus differs , broadly , in two important respects from the traditional account based on Mustakimzade : first , on the question of the origins of the office , by naming Hizir Bey , in Istanbul , as the first Mufti and by implication denying the Muftiliks of Molla Fenari , Molla Yegan and Fahreddin Acemi ( though d'Ohsson does make some attempt , if an inaccurate and and unpersuasive one , to take account of the tradition of an earlier Muftilik ) ; and second , on the question of how and when Molla Husrev became Mufti , this question involving also the circumstances of the Muftiliks of Abdulkerim and Molla Arab .
18 However , the 1988 Act does make provision for the ‘ whole curriculum ’ ( in section 1 ) .
19 As a consequence , few individual American lenders do make insurance a mandatory part of the contract .
20 Nuclear power stations do make tempting military or terrorist targets , as the sabotage at South Africa 's first nuclear power station at Koeberg near Cape Town at the end of last year clearly showed .
21 Erm in relation to the er modification in the plan which er the deposit plan which put these two sites er out of the greenbelt , er Mr did make representations .
22 Some organisations do make use of fixed-term contracts , but by no means all do so .
23 We found the machine was fairly comfortable to use for long periods , but the high body did make it slightly awkward to control in tight corners .
24 THAT governments do make a difference is an important presumption of free competitive elections .
25 I 'm not suggesting that you need to go quite this mad , but one , or perhaps two extra masts do make life so simple and easy .
26 In saying that though Robert Martin did make it difficult for you .
27 Nevertheless , the Spanish Civil War did make a difference for the conference condemned the non-intervention policy adopted by the major powers , for it was being flouted by Italians , Germans and Russians , and recommended that the Spanish republican government should be allowed to buy arms .
28 Her Majesty 's dogs did make a bit of a dent in the corgi image when one of them bit the Queen 's hand during a fight last year , but like King Charles the second and his spaniels , the Queen is inseparable from her corgis .
29 I am aware that the the Secretary for the erm er Secretary of State 's approval letter to the area alteration does make reference to erm
30 Yes a hard disk does make a great deal of difference to how easy a machine is to use .
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