Example sentences of "[noun] [coord] after " in BNC.

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1 The prolonged duration of reflux seen during pH monitoring or after a meal in PSS could thus be related to defective clearance or to a greater quantity of reflux .
2 " I saw a hare and after I 'd found the body there was a sparrowhawk , a kestrel . "
3 Ease Gill Beck rises on the slopes of Crag Hill and after an uneventful early passage meets limestone on the 1200-ft contour , whereupon its flow becomes extremely erratic ; its rocky channels are tortured by fissures and crevices that take much of the water .
4 The Services continued to run at the opposition and after Fenn was hauled down just short they took a half-time lead when quick hands gave Crossland sufficient room to veer inside at pace and score beneath the posts .
5 At the at the Gorbels and after I was married During the war there was a terrific fire and he was burned to death in the lift going up to bring the girls down .
6 It collects its food on a curtain of baleen or whalebone in its mouth and after a single meal may well have transferred to its stomach no less than 2 tons of tiny shrimps , each no more than 3 inches long .
7 Sandstone took an early lead through Andrew Scott and after Arktel had equalised , Mark Pybis scored twice to clinch a 3-1 win .
8 Yep , I 'd finished the lodging houses , they were rough , my word they were rough , they used to get drunk and fighting , and of course they used to be amusing really they used to get fighting at a lodging house quite close to the dock and after when the windows was smashed , we would find that they 'd been temporarily repaired with a coal sack taken from the coal yard next door , and all that sort of business , and anyhow , nothing particular out of the way happened until three years later of course when we got the general strike , and the strikers used to meet outside the labour institution headquarters in Street .
9 Anyway he looked like that he had a red car and he was sitting in the car and he put them down like that and they were like that in the car and after I thought I should 've popped at her house see if she 's wearing that in the house I thought you git .
10 He was the last manager with first-hand experience of Chapman 's methods and after he died in 1956 there set in the lean period which lasted until 1970 .
11 In 1941 Peggy married Campbell Secord and after the war had to abandon her Medau teaching to live abroad .
12 This was definitely one for the album and after several quick shots back she went — not quite a grand-daddy but getting closer .
13 Tony Mannion equalised for the Liverpool SSU Shipping League premier division side and after Lee Walker had put Turpins ahead Mannion clinched victory .
14 He once confronted three baiters but after an ugly scene with them he advises people not to do the same .
15 Three or more miners were to he supplied and paid " from time to time " for the first three months but after this duration six able bodied miners were to he provided .
16 She had brought herself a new swimsuit but after she had changed she 'd stared critically at herself in the mirror in the changing-room .
17 Do you think these vague presentiments of a beyond or after could ever draw you into organized religion ?
18 By s12 of the Solicitors Act , the Law Society is given discretion to grant or refuse an application for a practising certificate in the following cases : ( 1 ) a first application ; ( 2 ) an application by a solicitor who has never held an unconditional certificate since admission ; ( 3 ) where 12 months or more will have elapsed since a practising certificate was last held ; ( 4 ) after the disciplinary tribunal has ordered a penalty or costs against the applicant or delivered a reprimand ; ( 5 ) after failure by the applicant to offer sufficient explanation for his or her professional conduct after being called upon so to do ; ( 6 ) after failure to deliver an accountant 's report in due time ( and an additional fee will be payable if the discretion is not invoked to refuse the application ) ; ( 7 ) after the expiry of a period of suspension ; ( 8 ) after the name of the applicant who has been struck off is restored to the roll ; ( 9 ) while the applicant is an undischarged bankrupt ; ( 10 ) after the applicant 's discharge from bankruptcy or after the applicant has entered into a composition or deed of arrangement for the benefit of his creditors ; ( 11 ) while the applicant is a patient as defined by s94 of the Mental Health Act 1983 or a person as to whom powers have been exercised under s104 of the Mental Health Act 1959 or s98 of the 1983 Act ; ( 12 ) where the applicant has received a sentence of imprisonment ; ( 13 ) where the applicant has failed to satisfy a money judgment against him or her which is not a judgment limited to costs and which is not a judgment in respect of which indemnity or relief from some other person is available .
19 MY work has been written in sand and after my death will disappear in a decade or so , ’ wrote August Bournonville ( 1805–79 ) , the Danish choreographer whose ballets are still in the repertory , and whom the Danes have been celebrating with yet another Bournonville festival in Copenhagen .
20 But he underwent surgery in the middle of February and after a problem-free rehabilitation spell is expected to join pre-season training .
21 But he underwent surgery in the middle of February and after a problem-free rehabilitation spell is expected to join pre-season training .
22 It was clear that Hannah would not consider moving far from her native heath and after lengthy deliberations , settled on a cottage in Cotherstone which stands five miles away from Low Birk Hatt at one of the entrances to Baldersdale .
23 In the play a boy from the pits is discovered by the schoolteacher and after furious efforts , gets into Oxford University .
24 Dave Smith put County in front , but Peterborough levelled through Bobby Barnes and after the break all the hard work looked like being wasted .
25 I helped Archie to his feet and after a necessary detour into the bathroom launched him on to the landing .
26 It was discussed in detail in a five hour meeting at District Council and after , as I say , remember , it 's only a consultation document this time that will be put to you for your decision .
27 It comprised 20 professionals from SSDs , voluntary organisations , private sector , health sector and after much campaigning , a couple of users .
28 Because now after one hundred metres you 've got two posts after two hundred metres you 've got three posts , after three hundred metres you got four posts , after four hundred metres you 've got five posts but after you 've five hundred metres you 've only got five posts cos that one doubles up .
29 AS A writer , Robert Louis Stevenson may have borne the stamp of greatness but after the world-renowned Scot was sized up by the Royal Mail it seems Britain 's letters may never bear a stamp of RLS .
30 He had played in Spain but after a car accident had come back here to recuperate .
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