Example sentences of "[noun] [Wh det] job " in BNC.

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1 In the pre-robotised days the job had a number of characteristics which job design experts would have recognised as leading to a reasonably high level of job satisfaction .
2 The officers are backed up by four police cars whose job is to try to keep up with the train on nearby roads and help catch the faster of the trespassers fleeing from their colleagues on the trackside .
3 There was little mirth among the film crew , least of all from Raymond Cusick whose job it suddenly became to pull a last minute rabbit out of the hat .
4 She was asking something from him , this stranger whose job was to shoot the IRA assassins if they came .
5 Second , I shall consider how this framework was used by the subject working parties whose job it was to produce the detailed lists of statements of attainment .
6 The Whitney Museum is to take photography seriously : its director , David Ross , has announced the setting up of an acquisitions committee whose job will be to establish a coherent acquisitions policy , mainly by filling gaps in the present collections .
7 The only members of the hunt dedicated to the actual kill are of course the hounds , the huntsman whose job it is to train them to hunt , possibly a farmer whose stock has been damaged by foxes , and possibly the masters who are interested in controlling the fox population .
8 In a traditional ‘ non-contact ’ competition without padding or restrictions , save that the opponents must never actually touch , each bout lasts roughly three minutes and is overseen by three judges whose job it is to study the accuracy and intended force of each blow .
9 This meant that each small boy was accompanied to church by an older boy whose job it was to find the hymns and generally ensure good behaviour .
10 Well , MCPS have a team of Licence Negotiators whose job it is to negotiate between the producer and our member to arrive at an agreeable rate .
11 After them come the foragers whose job it is to collect the spoils and carry them in the great baggage train .
12 By the end of the war , Bloomsbury House maintained a small department of welfare workers whose job it was to care for the chronically ill .
13 At the Health Complexes they would be distributed to the inpatient and outpatient departments and also to field workers whose job it was to distribute the packets to anyone who required them in his/her village .
14 A typical day at the moment , explained , begins with audio tests on early shift workers whose job involves exposure to noise and lung function tests for those working with grain .
15 Meanwhile the owner the person who lived a small terraced property , whose garden backs onto the fields tried to get the hounds several dozen hounds off these two dogs who were being savaged to death and he had a heart attack in the process , Chairman and was hospitalized for several weeks That Chairman is the effect of the hunt on one of my constituents whose job it is for me to defend the rights that I was elected here to defend the rights of my constituents , not to be harassed in this manner .
16 It attacks the very cells in the body whose job it is to fight off infection — the cells of the immune system .
17 I know this because after my machine arrived , the salesman whose job it would have been to persuade me to buy it , had I not been too quick for him , came to see me anyway .
18 The ore mixed with waste to such an extent that it could not be improved by hand was mixed with other low grade stuff and barrowed to the buckers whose job it was to reduce it to walnut size for delivery to Cornish roll-crushers and then to the stamps .
19 The clerk whose job I took went on the district as a relief clerk and later relief Stationmaster .
20 The ‘ Beveridgites ’ may be most comfortable in Health Authorities whose job is to ensure that services are available for their populations .
21 This generalisation is more applicable to chief executives who must look outside their organisation than to those managers whose job is wholly an internal one .
22 There may be one or two senior field officers whose job is partly to give administrative assistance to the area supervisor , partly to carry out routine pollution control work in their own districts .
23 Certainly few people in the West , even the intelligence agencies whose job it is to monitor such dissidence , had much idea of the latent forces that this choice in the wilderness represented in Iran itself .
24 He imagined gravel being sifted , all the particles , the minute stones , being picked over by some policeman whose job it was to do that , the tiny flints laid in one tray , the wood fragments in another , and then , in a third , the shot .
25 And it also managed to chip some of the woodwork , curious to think that I was offered as war damage compensation five pounds to re-case the piano , you could n't of had it repolished for five pounds , but thinking was working class people should n't have pianos , I 'm certain that was at the back of , of the gentleman whose job it was to evaluate war damage , he certainly raised his eyebrows every time we told him , what either a piece of furniture or crockery or cutlery which had been destroyed had cost and he was so foolish after er the house had been almost flattened as de demand bills as proof of evidence that your figures were correct
26 So clueless and misguided are these sorry types — so lacking in insight , intent and , bloody hell , a sense of humour — that if a great comedy show ever makes it to TV List magazine it can only be DESPITE the pony-tails whose job it is to shepherd these things to a laff-hungry public .
27 No-one pretends that preventing further tragedies will be an easy matter , least of all the mountain rescue teams whose job it frequently is to haul the body-bags from the hills .
28 Some companies ( particularly in the USA ) , in response to these and other factors , decided in the late 70s and early 80s that they should designate within their organisations a person or persons whose job would be to specialise in the acquisition and processing of information from the environment that might be of potential strategic importance .
29 THE PRINCIPAL of Aberdeen 's Robert Gordon University last night delivered a stark warning to academic staff planning a day of action in support of the lecturer whose job is threatened , Sheena Falconer .
30 There are those who wish to mechanise man and to assign pain to the operation of a specific Cartesian mechanism whose job is to detect injury and inevitably provoke the pain response .
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