Example sentences of "[noun] [Wh det] mother " in BNC.

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1 For Liesl whose mother had been able to escape to this country , a battle royal developed between her parent and her foster parent .
2 The aim of the examination is to test the candidate 's ability to understand and write connected English on business topics and in formats usual in business communication ( and , in the case of the case of the candidates whose mother tongue is not English , to confirm the parallel ability to speak English at an equivalent level ) .
3 The aim of the examination is to test high-level ability to understand , write and variously process the general and special varieties of English used in business , and the ability to use appropriate formats ( and , in the case of candidates whose mother tongue is not English , to confirm a parallel ability to speak English at an equivalent level ) .
4 Candidates whose mother tongue is not English will be required to pass an Oral Test before they can be awarded a certificate .
5 Candidates whose mother tongue is not English will be required to pass an Oral Test before they can be awarded a certificate .
6 POLICE divers last night called off their search of a six-mile stretch of the River Nidd near Harrogate , North Yorks , for a four-month-old girl whose mother claimed to have thrown her into the water , and will resume their efforts at first light .
7 A girl whose mother had died .
8 And it is by that fire that Kentigern is born — about 518 — and to that fire , just as in the Gospels , that shepherds came and cared for the boy whose mother , her work done , is dead . ’
9 He had also stolen Cranborne School 's prize physicist , Khan , and had offered a free place to Simon Britton , a boy whose mother had had to take him away from Cranborne because of her financial circumstances .
10 We have three reports , beginning with the young boy whose mother fought for him to flown to Britain .
11 John was an only child whose mother had died when he was at the difficult and demanding age of toddlerhood .
12 A child whose mother has just started full-time employment may only be likely to be disturbed by this event if he has also recently lost his father .
13 One was a very nice garment made out of a kind of silk which Mother and I bought from the secondhand clothes lady who ran a stall in Barnard Castle .
14 He had access to Hammad Haiba whose mother 's sister was Salah 's wife 's sister-in-law ; and with Salha on his side he could redouble the pressure : Hammad was Salha 's grandson .
15 Death rates of toddlers and children aged 2–3 years whose mothers had moved from urban to rural areas were lower than of children born to non-migrant urban mothers in all but eight and four countries , respectively .
16 There was once a girl called Vasilissa whose mother had died , and whose father married again .
17 The definition ‘ Bangladeshi ’ refers to infants whose mothers were born in Bangladesh , and the few mothers who were born or grew up in Britain .
18 Even infants whose mothers were 40 years old or older had a better chance to survive infancy if their fathers were 25–39 years old than if they were 40 years or over .
19 In all but seven of 38 WFS countries located in three major developing regions and having the requisite statistics , the mortality of infants whose mothers had migrated from a rural to an urban place was higher than of those whose mothers continued to reside in rural areas of that country , while statistics for 26 out of 36 WFS developing countries suggest that movement of a woman from an urban to a rural place increases the health hazards and reduces the survival chances of infants .
20 persons whose mother tongue is English should preferably have another language .
21 The research did n't explore the sorts of relationships that parents wanted but it 's a pretty safe guess that they wanted teachers that did n't shout ; the Newsons ( 1984 ) reported that shouting by teachers was the major complaint which mothers made on behalf of their eleven-year-olds .
22 I 've talked to other people whose mothers came to naturopathy in the fifties , and it 's been explained as a way of eating posh for those who do n't know about Continental food .
23 In English-speaking communities these are an aid which may help newcomers whose mother tongue is not English to more effective personal-social adjustment .
24 It was not two days since the Duchess had issued instructions that no more tickets were to be given away , but it was hardly likely that such a prohibition would apply to Lord John Rossendale whose mother was an intimate friend of the Duchess of Richmond .
25 Senior prizewinner was 13-year-old Donald Campbell whose mother Lydia works at Kirkwall Branch .
26 One woman whose mother was coming to live with her and her husband solved her problem by saying quite firmly beforehand , ‘ Now Tom and I like to eat supper alone and have a couple of hours ’ quiet talk together in the evening before we settle down to watch television , Mother .
27 ( Married woman whose mother came to live with her after developing Alzheimer 's disease ) ( Glendinning , 1992a )
28 Controls whose mother had died ( two ) or was unavailable because of ill health ( one ) and controls whose father could not be identified ( eight ) were also considered ineligible .
29 And one man whose mother lives in one of the homes listed for closure said yesterday : ‘ We will be making our presence felt again when the full council meets . ’
30 Von Karajan had been a member of the Nazi party , and saw no reason publicly to mourn musicians who had been persecuted ; Abbado by contrast is a left-winger whose mother was imprisoned by the Nazis for hiding a Jewish child .
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