Example sentences of "[noun] [was/were] held " in BNC.

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1 Fans were held behind barricades when E17 climbed out of their limousine in March .
2 The way of life argument was often used against closure since schools were held to be an important aspect of local life since the loss of the teacher and the school building seemed like a sentence of death for the community .
3 Earlier this year , a number of high level meetings between Arab health ministers and deans of medical schools were held in Damascus and in the Gulf to co-ordinate this policy ( see Lancet 1993 ; 341 : 167 ) .
4 After the trial Orchin , Richmond and McCready were held in prison for about a month on the charge relating to the unlicensed pistol .
5 On a similar subject , THAT PETROL EMOTION were held up in Derry ( the place , not the EMF sex-god ) last week .
6 The principal Forest offices were held by the great barons as life appointments .
7 Although small local employers were the initial moving force and tended to dominate the committees , prestigious offices were held by manufacturers , providing them with a platform in local politics .
8 It does not follow from this that all offices were held by life tenures in the sixteenth century .
9 Buthelezi , as Chief Minister of KwaZulu homeland , had refused an invitation to attend an Oct. 5 meeting organized by the ANC with five other homeland leaders on ways of ending the violence , for which elements of both rival organizations were held responsible .
10 And if he landed in England with Matilda , estates such as Hugh de Tracy 's were at risk , placed as they were in Herefordshire and Gloucestershire , where the majority of castles were held by men who owed fealty to the Earl rather than the King .
11 Though their heads were held down forcibly , the two men looked up at Rosten , anxious to know what he intended for them .
12 Bargain-hunting foreign funds were held responsible ; many top domestic companies , especially state-owned ones intended for privatization , were priced on average at only 35 per cent of their estimated book value .
13 In the evenings , skating parties were held under coloured lights and skates flashed under long skirts to tunes like ‘ The Blue Danube ’ .
14 Ada , because she had been before ( the parties were held every month ) , showed off a little .
15 Erm a lot of blues parties were held .
16 At first instance the three parties were held equally to blame and the plaintiff 's damages were therefore reduced by one-third .
17 — Special presentation parties were held for George Flowers , treasurer of Framwellgate Moor Workmen 's Club , who has retired after 30 years service and for Consett Station Social Club steward Freddie Emmerson on his retirement .
18 Some such cars were held up and trapped for up to six hours , for those who could the best option was to leave the car and complete the journey on foot .
19 Any systematic variation must have been the result of the reaction of passers-by to the apparent social class of the person they were talking to , since all other variables were held constant .
20 Her eyes were held for a few moments in the lazy gaze across the desk , then with a conscious effort she blinked herself free , looked down at her notepad .
21 In Jones [ 1981 ] Crim LR 119 , minor abrasions and a bruise were held to be actual bodily harm , though the case was thought to be on the margins .
22 Most of these reserves were held in the Eurodollar market , which meant that rather than deposit them in New York the central banks of the oil producers deposited them in banks outside the United States .
23 The prison , where some of the dissidents who opposed the Shahs rule were held by SAVAK , was painted up , the street were cleaned , pots of flowers were placed all along the main roads , birds in cages were hung from lamp posts , shopkeepers were given blue coats to wear .
24 The hybridisation data were held in a flat file data base , with C programs reponsible for data management and collation .
25 These data were held in separate files , which were converted via a series of filter programs into a canonical file format , listing just the clones positive for a given probe .
26 Over the summer , for the first time since the outbreak of war , peace rallies were held in most parts of Britain and some 200,000 signatures were collected .
27 Large-scale rallies were held in several cities on May 14 to demand the return to the state of assets leased or rented by the CPCz before November 1989 .
28 On the day of his visit to Baghdad mass pro-Iraqi rallies were held in Jordan , many organized by the newly-formed Arab Nationalist Democratic Coalition .
29 In Tunisia on Feb. 25 a general strike at university campuses protested against the outbreak of the ground war ; pacifist rallies were held by several thousand students .
30 Memorial rallies were held all over Hungary on Oct. 23 to commemorate the 1956 revolution and the proclamation of the Hungarian Republic in 1989 [ see pp. 36961 ; 37739 ] .
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