Example sentences of "[noun] [is] associate " in BNC.

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1 Homozygosity for either allele of this common polymorphism is associated with earlier onset of inherited disease and predisposes the person to sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease .
2 This speculation would accord with the fact that some patients with myelodysplasia and a 5q deletion have a very low risk of transformation ( eg , 5q syndrome ) whereas in other myelodysplasia patients a 5q deletion is associated with poor prognosis ( eg , secondary MDS ) .
3 Even though we have just proved the equivalence of the concepts of primeness and of irreducibility in Z we ask the reader to note that in the following theorem the concept of irreducibility is associated with the existence of a decomposition of the asserted kind whereas the property of primeness is used to establish the uniqueness of this decomposition .
4 Mean labelling indices for upper crypt compartments 3 and 45 in the 22 patients in whom polyps recurred were significantly higher ( respectively p<0.05 and p<0.01 ) than those of the 33 without recurrence suggesting that an upward shift of the crypt 's replicative compartment is associated with polyp recurrence .
5 As at Tockington , the type C arrangement at Halstock is associated with another mosaic which displays a saltire design , ( although it should be noted that the latter appear to be of a finer standard than the former ) .
6 It is not entirely clear why a high PTHrP concentration is associated with a poor response to treatment .
7 Formally , the formation of a ‘ rigid ’ dimer is associated with an adverse entropy change ( TΔS ) of ca 50 kJ mol -1 [ 20 , 22 ] , which offsets dimerisation by a factor of ca 10 -9 M -1 in binding constant .
8 I watched many hours of video films while at Highlander , and in various communities in the mountains with which Highlander is associated , and there can be few better examples of the power of video as an empowering and educational tool than some of the footage which the YCCC have taken .
9 There is , of course , no reason at all to suppose that civilisation is associated purely with physical skills .
10 Amongst the many criticisms of the UFC review , Montgomery combines the UFC rankings with employment records , and finds , somewhat surprisingly , that poor research is associated with enhanced job progress .
11 Chronic haemonchosis is associated with progressive weight loss and weakness , neither severe anaemia nor gross oedema being present .
12 These associations parallel those with death rates from cardiovascular disease in that high early weight is associated with a low incidence of each risk factor .
13 Induction of colitis , by the intracolonic instillation of trinitro benzene sulphonic acid/ ethanol , acetic acid , or ethanol or by the oral administration of carrageenan is associated with systemic endotoxaemia .
14 Such amenorrhoea is associated with bone loss , and this can be prevented by the judicious use of cyclical hormones .
15 These observations indicate that : ( 1 ) diarrhoea caused by chronic radiation enteritis is associated with more rapid intestinal transit and a high prevalence of bile acid and lactose malabsorption , and ( 2 ) loperamide-N-oxide slows small intestinal transit , increases bile acid absorption , and is effective in the treatment of diarrhoea associated with chronic radiation enteritis .
16 The densest high forest in the High Weald is associated with the ghyll valleys , narrow ravines created by streams that have cut through the lighter soils .
17 After the ACE gene was cloned it was shown that this major gene effect is associated with an insertion ( I ) / deletion ( D ) polymorphism situated in intron 16 of the ACE gene ( ACE/ID polymorphism ) ; the mean plasma ACE level in DD subjects was about twice that of II subjects , with ID subjects having intermediate levels .
18 It is possible that a similar flexural effect is associated with great escarpments along passive continental margins .
19 Often buddleia is associated with another calcium-loving plant , traveller 's joy ( Clematis vitalba ) .
20 Severe potassium depletion is associated with muscular weakness , cardiac arrhythmias , and renal impairment , but over vigorous replacement poses dangers and potassium is best given orally .
21 If the biochemical change is the consequence simply of the experience of tasting the bead , then the level of fucose incorporation in E should be the same as that in D and F , and higher than in all the water groups A — C. If , however , the increased incorporation is associated with memory , then E should be equivalent to B and lower than either D or F. We needed , of course , to repeat the experiment with enough birds — eventually , a dozen in each group — to be sure of the results — but when we analysed the data , they were unequivocal , and I ca n't resist showing them in Figure 10.8 .
22 Single-mothers can often be the target of unfavourable press attention in which single-parenthood is associated with ‘ welfare-scrounging ’ .
23 A condensation surrounded by a void is equivalent to a local energy deficit ; a void is associated with a local energy surplus ( Astronomy and Astrophysics , vol 117 , p 365 ) .
24 The significantly lower plasminogen activator activity of malignant ascites is associated with greatly increased concentrations of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 .
25 The condition is associated with a high incidence of sudden death ( 2.5% per year in adults and 6% in children and adolescents ) , and it is the commonest recognised cause of sudden death in competitive athletes .
26 Occasionally , the condition is associated with a viral infection , but if your daughter 's quite well then you do n't need to worry about that .
27 I have outlined a handful of sexual difference theories wherein homosexuality is associated with , or is seen to be expressive of : ( 1 ) the true , negative , nature of patriarchy , ( 2 ) a negation of what is truly vital and creative in ( heterosexual ) desire , ( 3 ) anti-Semitism , totalitarianism , and fascism , ( 4 ) an obliteration of the autonomy of the other , ( 5 ) anal negativity , solipsism , and sterility and de-creation , ( 6 ) the undifferentiation of a dying culture , ( 7 ) a cowardly refusal of homosocial rivalry , ( 8 ) the definitive expression of homosocial rivalry .
28 Unlike Persia or Anatolia , where each region or village is associated with a specific method of weaving and repertoire of designs , rug-making in China was never based around exclusive localized styles ; and although antique rugs may be classified as " Paotao " or " Ning-Hsia " , for example , this is usually a definition of their quality and style , rather than a statement of where they were made .
29 Invariably the surveyor 's work is associated with a property or business transaction and because investment and interest rates are an inevitable part of the project , delay or slow progress may prove unacceptable to a client .
30 We have therefore studied gastric secretion in this model to test whether ulcer formation is associated with an increased acid-pepsin attack .
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