Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] to hold " in BNC.

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1 To hold that a procedure is unfair involves a less apparent interference with the administration than to hold that the actual decision was unreasonable .
2 It is hoped to develop a training programme and to hold social functions at venues throughout the Principality .
3 Members of the EP voted on Jan. 18 , 1989 , by 222 votes to 172 that the Parliament should be allowed to transfer about half of its total staff of 2,100 to Brussels and to hold " exceptional " plenary meetings elsewhere than in Strasbourg , ie in Brussels .
4 There are plans to illuminate the outside of the house so that it will be possible , from time to time , to admit visitors after dark and to hold evening functions .
5 Traditionally , it was usual to take the upwind wing-tip and to hold it slightly below the horizontal .
6 As part of the anniversary celebrations it is proposed to mount an international archaeological expedition to Bukhara and to hold a symposium with leading scholars in the field .
7 He said the company had an overdraft , but it was doing well and Roger Tucker just needed some security to show his superiors and to hold for three weeks .
8 Consequently , it is not surprising that in this period the main philosophical schools tended to reject the idea of progress and to hold cyclical views concerning the nature of time .
9 The involuntary expansions and contractions have the consequence that to hold on to the most aware response it may be a practical necessity to numb oneself to a local awareness which distracts from it .
10 The only comment I wish to make at this stage is that the court recognised that I had no intention to act in defiance of an order of the court or to hold myself above the law .
11 On the question of the rule of law and observance of the rule of law — this is a very important matter ; Ministers are subject to the laws of the land and to enforcing the rule of law — the Master of the Rolls said : ’ He ’ — that is , the Home Secretary — ’ has disavowed any intention to act in defiance of an order of the court or to hold himself above the law . ’
12 What he thought he needed was someone with the public fame to take over the leadership and to hold a candle to the great names of Lloyd George , Austen Chamberlain , Churchill , Birkenhead and Balfour .
13 Re-examination of their fossils by Bakker and others show that the thick frills of a Triceratops , like the bony scutes of the early Chasmatosaurus , was beneath the skin to probably serve as an attachment for the massive cheek muscles and to hold up its heavy head .
14 Representatives did approve an amendment under which the aid would be suspended once the MPLA-PT government had agreed to a cease-fire and to hold elections within two years , provided that the Soviet Union also ceased providing military aid to the MPLA-PT .
15 Gilman employed ‘ scientific ’ experiments described by him as follows : ‘ The observer , an intelligent man with good eyesight , and well accustomed to museums and their contents , was instructed to answer the questions with the least possible exertion and to hold the position he needed to assume for the purpose until he could be photographed . ’
16 The object was not to provide refreshment but to hold up the party for two or three minutes in order to get the press into position .
17 No longer had the miners , the shock troops of the British working class , the power to dictate to a British government or to hold the community to ransom by sheer industrial muscle .
18 Often enough , restrictions are imposed in terrorem so as to discourage the more blatant activities of the outgoing partner but with the realisation that to hold him to the letter of the restraint might well be impracticable .
19 Visiting Gao on July 23 during a tour of the north , Touré called on the rebels to lay down their arms and to hold talks with the government .
20 In early January the Prime Minister and the Foreign and Commonwealth Secretary ( Douglas Hurd ) had each visited the Gulf and surrounding areas : Major on Jan. 6-9 to meet members of the British armed forces and to hold discussions with the Amir of Kuwait , King Fahd of Saudi Arabia and Mubarak , and Hurd on Jan. 10-14 for talks in Bahrain , Qatar , the United Arab Emirates , Jordan and Turkey .
21 IT HAS not been much of a week for Welsh politicians because the country 's resounding rejection of Mr Neil Kinnock has been followed by the decision of the International Rugby Board to ignore the reservations expressed by the Welsh Rugby Union and to hold the 1995 World Cup in South Africa .
22 During the first half of the fifteenth century , for example , though slaves had come to man a large part of the standing army and to hold the lesser vezirliks , it was only after the conquest of Istanbul and the consequent fall of the Grand Vezir Candarli Halil Pasa that it became more or less regular practice for the highest office of the central administration , that of Grand Vezir , to be held by men of slave origin .
23 In later years , by contrast , he came to speak in public less and less frequently , despite being repeatedly urged to do so by Goebbels and others , evidently realizing only too well how closely the effectiveness of his rhetoric was dependent on being able to report success and to hold out hope for an end to the war .
24 Words flung out in temper , for instance , do not carry lasting conviction although they may wound at the time , whereas a calm statement , arising from inner knowledge , is likely to come from the centre of one 's being and to hold fast .
25 We are thus faced in his later years by the paradox of a ruler who had spent his life in efforts to make his subjects prosperous and happy compelled to create a system of secret police and to hold down considerable parts of his territories by armed force .
26 Is the Minister aware that over the past year some Scottish health boards have issued letters to general practitioners instructing them to refer only urgent cases for essential treatments such as physiotherapy and to hold the rest on file ?
27 For me , the moment of realisation that something more must be done to identify the aggressor and to hold him to account came last week , when I was invited to open an exhibition of photographs at the building centre in Store street , London , of some of the Croatian buildings destroyed over the past few months .
28 If the Society shall at any time convert the Garden into buildings for habitations or to any other uses , save such as are necessary for a physic Garden , for the culture , planting and preserving of trees , plants and flowers , and such like purposes , then it shall be lawful for Sir Hans Sloane , his heirs and assigns to enter upon the premises and to hold the same for the use and benefit and in trust for the said president , Council and Fellows of the Royal Society , subject to the same rent and to the delivery of specimens of plants .
29 The installation of the thirty-nine rooms conveys , both in how it has been structured and how it has been hung , a preoccupation with the need to avoid repetition and to hold the attention of visitors .
30 ITN sources say that the Prime Minister will consider this weekend whether to hold the General Election on April the ninth .
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